
Thursday, June 4, 2009

After The Pain, Comes The Pleasure

Correct me if I am wrong, but I think there is a song with the title "Pain Comes Before The Pleasure". Or is it the "Pleasure Before Pain"? I may be mistaken in any case, but pain coming before the pleasure makes more sense to me. After all, is it not what life is? Full of pain and bitterness, with pleasure and sweetness to come later, except for some people, the pleasure and sweetness may never come.

I know for sure what I am talking about. My life had been painful for a long time. Bad relationships with family, cheated and heart broken by men, struggling with school and work, wondering if my job is secure to meet another month's survival or will I be out of job again. For a long period I was insecure, paranoid, thinking the worst of everything.

But it is true indeed that after the pain comes the pleasure. Now I have job security. My relationship with my family is now pretty good. I have not been cheated by anyone for a long time, or rather, I should say I have not let myself be cheated by anyone for a long time. So the only pain is that because of that, I have also not been loved and in love with anyone for a long time.

But I still do believe that pain comes before the pleasure. I believe all these waiting is worth it for the man who will eventually be mine. The wait is all the more pleasurable if the end product is sweeter than anything else. Hence I just have to continue being patient, even if it drives me crazy and to my wit's end at times. I truly hope the end product is worth savouring!


Julie Lim said...

Based on the phrase "To see the rainbow you must first put up with the storm," I think 'pain before pleasure' makes more sense :-)

juphelia said...

Yup, I always thought there should be pain first before pleasure, then you can savour the pleasure even more after all the pain!

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