
Sunday, October 11, 2009

Great "Projects" On Hand

Greatly inspired, I have embarked on a few projects on my own. First up is the great reading project, where I intend to finish thirty books a year. That averages to two books per month. I suppose if I say four books a month (a book a week) is stretching things a bit. I used to be able to finish a book a day, but I find the older I get, the more I slow down, in terms of everything.

Next up is the great food project, where I have made up a list of eating places I intend to explore. Come to think of it, there are really lots of places in every nook and cranny. One can find an eating place at every corner! Hence, if I explore one every two weeks, it will take me at least two years or so to exhaust my current list, notwithstanding new places that will prop up!

Next is the great cooking project, where I intend to come up and try a new recipe every week. I suppose if I say everyday it will really be stretching things a bit. Recipes include tried and tested recipes from cookbooks, as well as recipes I thought up on my own, using whatever ingredients I can find from home.

Next is the great driving project. After many delays and procrastination, I must get my manual license by my birthday next year. No more delays! About time I finally learn how to handle a manual car!

Next is the great study project, where I finish my second degree, get a masters, and hopefully try for a practicing license. About time I start to think where my career track is going, whether do I want to continue being a paid employee or venture out on my own?

Next is the great slimming project, where I need to shape up, lose weight and get back my original figure. Which means cut down on temptations (very hard as I love food!) and lead a healthier life. Someone has said to bring me cycling, jogging and trekking, so perhaps I may just be able to slim down?

Finally, it is the great saving project. I need to get my finances in check and seriously save up for the future if I intend on achieving certain things in life. That means owning a place and car of my own, and perhaps starting a family too.

As with every project, there is a deadline. For the first three and the sixth, the deadline will be thirty-first December next year. The fourth I am trying my best to push it for end October next year. The fifth I am pushing it for four years. And for the final one, well, that is still open, but in any case, I hope to achieve all these before I turn another decade older!

I believe with prayers, determination and perseverance, I should be able to achieve all these as and when I want to!


Richard said...

Sound like good goals to me. The only caution I will throw in is that taking on a lot of projects makes it harder to continue on all of them.

My own personal experience is that when I start to falter in one, the others come tumbling down like dominos.

Hopefully, you will be able to resist that and instead draw strength from successes and advancement sin other goals to help buoy you in your other goals.

You definitely have my support and encouragement.

juphelia said...

Thank you! I hope to achieve them too! :-)

Richard said...

I know we all wait for tha tepiphany of motivation to get us moving, however, I am finding it is not necessarily necessary.

My example being weight loss. My desire to lose weight has been real for a long time, but I somehow always managed to not manage it (I had success while at WeightWatchers at work, but once I was laid off, old habits came back and I regained my weight).

Now, in Madrid, I am finding the weight coming off quite easily. The only thing that has changes is that I am completely out of my normal environment and, somehow, this is making it easier to realize, at least, this objective.

I certainly hope I don't need to make such drastic changes to achieve all my other goals.

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