
Saturday, February 27, 2010

The "Test" I Failed

The "test" is over and I am disappointed to say that I failed. :-( What my dear and I planned was to cycle from my place to East Coast Park (according to him that takes only fifteen minutes or so), then from there cycle to Changi Village, have a nasi lemak feast and cycle from Changi Village back to my place.

I was actually able to cycle on my own out of my place. I even crossed three traffic junctions riding on my bicycle without much problems.

Then the pavement became slopy and the bicycle went askew. So I tried cycling on the street where the ground is flatter but a bus came in and I panicked.

Finally halfway through, I had to get a cab and transport both me and the bicycle to East Coast Park while my dear cycled the rest of the way.

Cycling in East Coast is always fun. It is even better cycling on your own! I was able to move off steadily. Then came the slopy pavements and I could not go through again. I had to get down and push my bicycle along.

For some reason, the handle on my bicycle went askew and it moved while I was cycling. As a result, I could not handle the handle and my dear had to cycle my bicycle back to the nearest bicycle shop and had it tightened.

Now that the handle was tightened, I was able to cycle steadily again. I could even make turns on winding lanes without falling or wobbling!

Until we came to a coastal stretch. For some reason something flew into my eye and the next thing I knew, I flew off my bicycle, headlong and flat on the ground!

Both my palms got cut and my right palm is still bleeding now. My right knee got bruised and I scratched my left knee. Thank goodness for a cycling helmet and long stretch pants, otherwise the casualty may be even more fatal! Now all I need are cycling gloves to protect my palms!

I cycled for a while after that along the winding stretch. But because my palms are both scratched and bleeding, I was not able to hold the bicycle handle anymore. Hence I decided to give up the route and took another cab back with my bicycle.

I hopped onto a cab and my dear went on his way to reach the stipulated destination. When I reached home, I asked the cab driver to drop my off at the beginning of my street and I cycled the remaining stretch back to my place.

So I have failed the test since I did not make the full journey. But I am still happy as after all the falls, bruises and injuries, I can finally cycle on my own without wobbling and can start and stop the bicycle rather steadily! Hopefully things will get better henceforth like handling the slopes, pavements, roads and cycling without hands!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


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