
Saturday, January 15, 2011

Lipstick Or Lipgloss?

Going to the makeup class brings back memories. I used to go for a series of makeup classes when I was younger. I wanted to learn how to put on eye tape, create the double eye lids effect, make my nose bridge higher, and affix fake eyelashes. I even bought a whole series of books on how to groom and makeup!

Besides moisturizer, two things I can never do without - mascara and lip colour. Even if my face is totally bare and I have no mascara, I still will apply lip colour. Somehow that just makes me feel better.

I have a variety of lipsticks and lipglosses. I have those that flick on your lips with a stick, those that come in little pots and you need a brush to apply, and also those that come in little tubes where you squeeze the cream out.

Unlike some girls I know, I never have a preference over lipsticks or lipglosses. I use whichever that suits the occasion.

A few years back, when I started having cracking lips, I stopped using lipsticks. Some petroleum jelly and lipgloss did the trick, so I continued using lipgloss.

However, or maybe it is the kind I use, I find that applying lipgloss is just like applying lip balm - there is no colour and your lips do not look that great either. I have yet to achieve the ultra shiny glossy look that the actresses always seem to have - even after swimming or eating a big meal. I can never get that kind of effect.

Besides lipglosses have to be squeezed out of a tube and then either apply with my finger (not recommended) or a lip brush. The lazy bum in me simply does not bother anymore and hence switched back to lipsticks where just by removing the cap, the colour can be slicked on so easily.

Unfortunately, lipsticks have a more drying effect, especially those matte kinds. Lipglosses are more moisturisung because they are more runny and creamy. There are now glossy lipsticks but between that and gloss, I still prefer gloss to achieve that ultra glossy look which I am still trying to achieve. After a few applications, my lips start drying up again so I have to be careful whenever I use lipsticks.

I guess for a female, she will never be able to have enough lipsticks and lipglosses. I have not come across a typical girl who wears solely lipstick or one who wears solely lipgloss. In most cases, it is always a combination of the two. Afterall, beauty magazines have taught that the best way to achieve a sexy pout is to apply lipstick, then apply gloss to the middle of the lips. That will create a kind of 3D effect on the lips, making them seem curvier and sexier.

At the end of the day, I cannot pinpoint which I prefer too, so I have to continue using both or interchanging. A sexy pout is not that easy, we dress up well to make our man happy too!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


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