
Sunday, January 30, 2011

Yet Another Inspiring Weekend!

It was truly another inspiring weekend, except something happened earlier on which spoilt my entire mood. But these two things are separate, so I shall just mention the weekend first. The participants are generally a better bunch than the previous weekend I sat in. This group is more open, more willing to share and more committed. With the exception of one, all stayed throughout, and really participated openly and sincerely.

What got me really happy is that despite all my fears about sharing what I shared, no one judged me. No one criticised. In fact, I got a number of encouraging feedback, which made me feel warm all over. And some truly did get inspired by my sharing, which is the fundamental reason why I agreed to present in the first place - to help and inspire others and hopefully to make a difference in their lives.

Hence, I am more inspired by them than they by me. Because despite all the time and intensity of the weekend, they went away inspired, which made me inspire to want to do more to help others. And by others, I mean the community, the lives of others and the general public, and not just one person alone.

Which is why I intend to continue, despite what ultimatum a particular person gave me! If that person chose to throw tantrums and start being difficult, I will still stand my ground because I am doing this for God, for the bigger picture, and not for myself, and least of all, not for anyone else!


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