
Thursday, May 23, 2013

Pre-Employment Checkup

I just returned from a pre-employment checkup for my new company. Come to think of it, for the past few jobs I had, I never had to go for any pre-employment checkup, except for this current one. I thought a medical checkup is a prerequisite of any job? But I never had to go until this job where a satisfactory report is a requirement of being employed, and if there is any condition or the report is deemed not satisfactory, the employment can be terminated without notice.

I was asked to go for the medical checkup ever since I signed the appointment letter. However, the letter requesting me to go for the medical checkup did not arrive until Tuesday. And since the checkup is to be done in the hospital opposite my office, I went there earlier in the morning to do it.

Luckily I went early, as there was not that many people there. Hence I was in and out of the place around an hour the most. The checkup included eye test (for the first time in my life, I had a perfect six vision, but they did not question if I was wearing lenses!), colour blindness, urine analysis, blood pressure, x-ray and a consultation by the doctor.

First I had to go into a room and do the eye test, colour blindness and blood pressure tests. After that I had to deposit the urine sample into a box for them to do an analysis, followed by the x-ray. Then I had to wait until the doctor called me.

When I entered the doctor's office, the first question she asked was if I had been coughing. So I said yes. My cough since months back had been recurring, and going on and off. Each time I thought it was gone, it came back again once in a while. I hate this dratted cough but what am I to do about it? It is not serious enough to warrant a doctor's medication, yet lozenges do not seem to help too.

In any case, the doctor said there is some white nodules in my right lung, which is an accumulation of phlegm or mucus. By right that should not be the case, but since I had been coughing, then that is a normal sight. She would tell the radiologist to make a report but should not be any problem. Other than that, everything else is normal, thank goodness!

Now I only hope the other side accepts the medical report and deems me normal enough to start work! If my pre-employment is terminated before I even started work, I will be in real serious trouble since I am now serving notice!


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