
Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Acceptance Of Gays?

One thing I notice about my company is that they take people in based not just on qualifications or merit but also personality. Which is a good thing, because sometimes someone may have the best results but not necessarily the best worker.

What is even more impressive is that as long as you have the same qualifications and personality, you will be employed, no matter what physical defects you have or the type of lives you lead.

I discover that there is someone from another department who is deaf, so he cannot speak as well. Although he is not dumb, he has not learnt how to speak due to his lack of hearing ability. But he has never let the handicap gets to him.

He has been in the company for seven years or so. It is a good thing because I believe he was hired based on his qualifications and experience, not anything else. Which is more than I can say for some other companies who turn away good candidates the moment they have some form of disability.

There are colleagues who have declared themselves gay. I was speaking to a female colleague who went on the run with me, and she was telling me how heartbroken she was when she broke up with her female partner. Apparently the other colleagues know about that as well.

My heart really went out to her and I tried to comfort her. She spoke like a person who lost a guy she truly love, which, in a way, is true. The good thing is that she can declare her preference so openly and not face any ostracism from anyone. Other companies will not do the same. Some companies may even terminate your services once you are "not normal" in that respect.

I read an article once about how some civil servants have to hide their identities as homosexuals as they are afraid of getting fired. Is it necessary to fire someone just based on this? Would it not be unprofessional if someone is fired based on the life he / she leads instead of work quality?

If our local laws have already been amended a decade ago to allow marriage of transsexuals (provided the man-who-becomes-a-woman marries a man, or the woman-who-becomes-a-man marries a woman, ie marriage of different genders), why are homosexuals (or those who are in the midst of sex change) still not legally recognised?

I am not even talking about same-sex marriages, but just the acceptance of gays in general. Afterall, it is their choice which gender they prefer. If they truly love each other that is all that matters I guess. And sometimes homosexual relationships may be even longer-lasting than heterosexual relationships.


Richard said...

It is not a question of tolerating homosexuals as it is of respecting the dignity of each individual (regardless of who they are or what they have done).

We can make arguments as to the morality of behaviour or how the behaviour affects the common good. However, I think it is always incumbent on us to treat each individual with the respect and dignity which they deserve as a human being – regardless of who they are: gay, alcoholic, addict, prostitute, pedophile, murderer, politician, saint.

My general rule of thumb on dealing with people is, if it is within their private sphere, then keep it private and don't stick my nose in it because I certainly am not going to stick my nose in your privates. If your behaviour has a greater social impact (such as being a murderer), then you have transgressed outside your private sphere and may need to be restrained in some way for the common good.

I don't go looking into peoples private lives and I don't expect them to look into mine. I don't broadcast my private life and I don't expect others to broadcast their's.

Ole' Wolvie said...

Also, homosexuals and transexuals are 2 different categories.

Homosexuals for one, are not interested in changing their gender. They just happen to like the same gender.

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