
Wednesday, November 14, 2007

A Morbid Thought

I had a rather morbid thought. No idea why, but somehow I started thinking about negative things (again!) which sort of dampened my mood a little. I am not sure how many of you remember, but there have been some trouble over my blog last year.

Some people will say if I do not want trouble, then make my blog private, or do not blog totally. For me, I just want a little haven where I can escape to for reflections, musings and noting down of the mundane things in life, so that if I ever go senile in the future, I still have memories intact.

Which is why although the minor trouble affected me for a while, I managed to let it go. Afterall, I consider blogs (no matter who they belong to) as freedom of expressions as well as a forum for discussions and debates. If people want to be nasty, then that is their problem.

There is a Chinese saying that "mouths belong to others so one need not care what they say". How true! I realise that if I am to keep being so agitated over what others say, then I will lapse into deep depression and not be objective to see exactly how beautiful the world is!

So how is this related to the morbid thought? When I started my blog, I refused to put up any photos of myself, as to me, I feel I am nothing good to look at. Then after numerous requests by friends and acquaintances, especially those who have not seen me for a while (and those who have never seen me before), I acceded to the request.

After that, I realise that this is what I look like, I cannot change it for anything. Even if I groom myself and have a makeover, essentially that will only make me look a bit nicer, but my original look will never change. So why fight it?

And that is why I had been having this morbid thought of some cyber stalkers / nasty people / trouble-makers actually printing out one of my photos, blowing it up into a poster size, then pinning it up and throwing eggs and daggers at me. Perhaps these people wake up in the morning and cast some voodoo spell on me, which may explain why I seem to be having a spate of bad luck lately.

Maybe I am really thinking too much. Anything out of sight, out of mind, I should not even bother. See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. Just live life the way I want to and remain positive. Looks like I have to start cleansing my mind of negativity again.


Richard said...

Uhm ... I am pretty sure, if people are printing out your photos, I doubt very much that defacing them with eggs and daggers is their intent.

I was surprised when you posted a whole lot of pictures of yourself, because I recall your timidity.

On the other hand, it is always nice to see the people we communicate with.

Have more confidence in your appearance, you are a pretty woman. Different people have different tastes and you will never be able to please everyone.

juphelia said...

Thanks for the encouragement and kind words! :-)

Richard said...

You are welcome.

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