
Saturday, November 10, 2007

An Intangible Reward

Something good happened last night. I received a letter from my child! The little girl I am sponsoring in the Philippines. She wrote me a letter! It really brought a smile to my face! It is things like these that make me feel the world is full of sunshine and love, instead of the cold hard facts of unfeeling people.

Some may scoff that the letter may not be genuine, but from my experience of teaching primary school kids, I can tell if that is a child's handwriting. And it really is a child's handwriting, written in pencil with sloppy script.

It was just a few sentences, thanking me for sponsoring her, what level she is in school and how her parents are. But those few sentences are so heart-warming. I have received many letters in my life, but all pales in comparison with this letter.

Because it is from someone who shows utmost gratitude to me and loves me, even though she has never seen me. It is from someone whom I love even though I have never seen her. When I decided to sponsor a child, it is just a small gesture to help the more unfortunate. I never expected anything.

Yet now I have received such an intangible reward. Similar to how I felt when I was teaching and the kids thanked me, even though they gave me so much trouble for a year. But this beats my former students, because the little girl shows her love even though I have not done much. This is something no amount of cash can ever buy.


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