My friend sent me a rather informative email on the top ten statistics of the world. Some of the facts are rather interesting!

Toyota all the way!

Now, why is the Mississippi not on the list?

Japan is not inside?!

Perhaps I should move to the United States to make my billions! ;-p

Looks like India is fast catching up on China with regards to population. Maybe like what Russell Peters said, sooner or later, there will be no more black, white or yellow. Everyone is going to be beige as Indians and Chinese have the most number of people in the world.

Why am I not surprised that all these belong to third-world or war-torn countries?

That's it! I am moving to Switzerland, to have all the chocolates I can partake! :-p

Come to think of it, people from other countries take the initiative and make the effort to make the country clean without being told to. We, on the other hand, still have nothing to show despite our government's best efforts. Quite sad, is it not?

Why is there no list of tea drinking nations?

Ironically, Maldives is a very popular destination for weddings and honeymoons.

Is it any surprise??

In my opinion, every city in Europe is worth visiting!

Hear, hear!

Shall I be surprised that no luxury cars make the list?

Now this is a surprise. Always thought Germany should top the list, or at least make it into the list.
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