
Monday, November 5, 2007

My Personality Profile

Personality profiles are accurate indeed. I am referring to the real tests set up by psychologists and sociologists, like the Myers-Briggs Indicator Test (where I am an INFP), or the DISC test (where I am more S and C), not those online quizzes which people take for fun (although sometimes the results are uncannily accurate too).

So when my dating agent gave me the results of my personality test earlier, I was not surprised that the results are similar to the MBTI results. I cannot remember the name of this test, but I did the personality profiling on the basis of how I will be like in a relationship, and what to improve on.

According to her, I have an okay level of tolerance. I am sympathetic and understanding, as well as active-social. All these are good traits in a relationship, as I can tolerate faults (of course! But that depends on how major the faults are as well) and a good listener. By portraying all these, I will be able to start off on a good ground in a relationship.

However, there are certain things I need to improve on. I tend to be subjective (ie more emotional and illogical - very true!) and inhibited. (Erh, inhibited? I thought I am a very expressive person?) She said I tend to hide my feelings when in a relationship, I will not express my disappointments or feelings (well, I do tend to express myself better in writing than in speech). My persuasive and influence level is not that high as well (which probably explains why I do not make a good sales or public relations person).

I also tend to be more depressed with a low emotional stability (actually it is getting higher in recent months), and because I tend to be inhibited, sometimes I alienate people due to that. I am also submissive and compliant, which is not a good thing at times because I lack the confidence to be assertive. I also tend to be rather flexible and changeable, which gives people the impression that I am not very stable.

Well well... that is really me, myself and moi, in a nutshell. So she advised me to improve on those traits, to be more confident, light-hearted, take things easier, more self-disciplined and assertive and have the confidence to express how I feel. In this way, I can communicate more effectively and the relationship will be able to grow better.

Yes, I should improve on all these things, and I am making the effort to improve. I know a leopard cannot change its spots, but if there are things which I can improve on, I should make the conscious effort to do it, so I will never make the same mistakes again and be a better person overall.


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