
Friday, December 18, 2009

Christmas Shopping

Finally I have done my Christmas shopping! We had not gone on a date - as in a real date with just both of us, being together, enjoying each other's companies - for quite some time, so we decided to go for dinner and a show last night.

Hence we had dinner at Lucky Chicken Rice (still the same after all these years!) and roamed around Orchard area to shop. I initially wanted to get a glass for mysef, a drinking glass, you know, those kind of glass that is always used in milk or juice commercials? I love that glass! I had it once, then my grandma broke it, and since then I could never find the exact one again!

Anyway, we were walking around looking for that glass. We went to Marriott and took a look. There are many glasses, but not the kinds I am looking for. Same goes at Takashimaya. So we decided to look for gifts.

I was wondering what to get for his parents when we stepped into Marks & Spencers. Immediately a gift kit containing beautiful and intricate bottles caught my attention. There are four bottles in the kit, each with a different flavour. And the bottles are so pretty!

A check at the price showed that the gift kit is the perfect gift, hence I bought it and the sales person even wrapped it up nicely for me for free! So that is the gift for his mum. Now for his dad, I decided to give him a bottle of red wine.

So that concludes my Christmas shopping. As for what gift I will be giving him and my parents, those have already been prepared long ago!


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