
Thursday, December 31, 2009

Family Visitation

It was a great day yesterday. I took the opportunity of being on leave to visit my cousin. Her son will be almost three. How time flutters by! She asked me to bring my dear along and he agreed, so we went to visit them in the morning.

One thing I am happy about is that finally I have found someone willing to mingle, not just with my immediate family (parents, siblings), but also my extended family. This is something I used to envy my cousins for, and something I have always craved for, and now it is coming true.

We chatted, played with the boy and the dog, then went for lunch with my aunt, who also seems happy to see him. My cousin told me to just bring him along for her son's birthday party this weekend, which I would so like to, but my mum is just worried about antagonising my grandma, so too bad. :-( I am praying for a late miracle though, hopefully things will go well!

We then went shopping for balloons and party products. Come to think of it, I have not hung out with my cousin's family for a long time now, and really miss those days when we could just hang out and talk to each other. Things have gone to a low end ever since she got a kid, so I am really happy I spent the day with them yesterday, and even happier that my dear was just willing to hang out with us for the day!

Tonight will be another happy event - the Masquerade Ball! I think it is going to be a wonderful year ahead!


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