
Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Dry Coughing ....

Have you ever have the sensation that something is stuck in your throat and you cannot seem to clear it? That was what happened to me for the past week. Initially it was flu, resulting in phlegm and runny nose. But after there was no more phlegm and runny nose, I was still coughing vigorously.

Even my mum commented I seem to be quite bad this time round, since normally I would be completely cured after just one or two days of medication. Yet I have finished the cough mixture and lozenges last Saturday, but still I was coughing.

And the cough I had was a lingering cough, as if there was a dust particle being stuck in my throat, and I just could not seem to get rid of it. The cough fluctuated, from small "ahem" noises, to loud vigorous cough like a pneumonic patient, as if my lungs were going to come out.

I had to take out my past cough mixture and more lozenges. Still, I continued coughing. My throat was hurting from all the coughing, but I could not help it as it was itchy and irritated. Each time I coughed it felt as if the "dust" was about to come out but did not.

Finally, I went to see another doctor yesterday. Suddenly I realised the previous doctor did not give me antibiotics. Charged me so much and did not give me anything to actually help?! So the doctor yesterday gave antibiotics, and after one day of antibiotics, with a stronger cough mixture, I seem to have recovered today. At least not much coughing anymore!

Thank goodness! This cough has been going on long enough, and I must recover, otherwise I cannot do my usual rounds of Christmas feasting!


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