
Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Supporting The Marathoners!

After waking up so early on Saturday for the Conference, I thought I could at least sleep in on Sunday, especially since it was the night of the CHOICE Dinner and Dance. However, I found out some friends were running for the Standard Chartered Marathon, and was contemplating whether to go support them or not.

Then my dear said he had to go as his colleagues were running, and he was the designated photographer. So in the end I had to wake up early again to go support the marathoners.

People who know me know I am not a sports person. I do not run or swim (not that I do not know how, I just do not like perspiring and being tired), and I shun every form of exercise (save for tennis). Which is why my weight is accelerating at a disturbing rate, but that is another story.

So when I told some people I would be going for the Standard Chartered Marathon, their eyebrows went way up high, until I clarified I would be going as a supporter, and not a runner. And luckily I did.

We were there around nine, and already some of them had finished their run. I wonder how people can be that fit? We saw a few friends scattered around, and saw a friend in the midst of running.

Then we hung around at the fountain area where the runners were supposed to go to after their run. He managed to catch a few of his co-workers and took pictures of them. We managed to see some of our friends too.

Most of the runners had a kit consisting of a tank top, numbers and goodie bag of water and other souvenirs. Some of them had words of encouragement at the back. I came across one with the phrase, "Impossible is written as I'M POSSIBLE". Very meaningful!

In any case, I managed to get pictures of some of the runners, as well as the city scene on a Sunday. Think I may just be motivated to run next year, I really need to do something about my weight!

Some of the marathoners doing the 21 and 42 km run

A view of the Esplanade along the running route

The Cenetaph where the runners gathered

The fountain where the runners went to when they have finished running

Runners coming back

Sample of an encouragement at the back

The Fullerton Bridge - start of the running route

Images of the city skyline on a Sunday morning


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