
Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Madama Butterfly Again

Eight years ago, I was a member of the Lyric Opera, and participated in their rendition of "Madame Butterfly". Despite all the tight rehearsal schedules and practices, I had lots of fun and made many friends in the process, some of whom I am still in touch with.
Since then, I have participated in some other small musicals, but none as big an extent as "Madame Butterfly". The following year, our Artistic Director left and the Lyric Opera underwent new management, so many of us left, including me.
We were also priviledged to have with us as overall Choreographer one of the most famous theatre artists, which made the whole "Madama Butterfly" opera so artistic and captivating. Because of him, there was actually a fire burning on stage (with gas of course), the setting of the stage, the shadow play, everything was incorporated into the opera. I must say that was indeed a very good rendition, not just because I was in it!
Last night, I "revisited" the opera again, this time as an audience. The opera, the singing, the storyline, everything is still good and familiar, but somehow this rendition is not as good as the previous one. The stage setting was simpler, the costumes and makeup were plainer, and the sets did not change much.
Gosh, it brings back so much memories! I am so tempted to go sing again!


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