
Saturday, February 23, 2013

The Original "Journey To The West"

Finally I found it! I have been looking for this for ages and I finally found it today! Furthermore it is going at a very good price! I am talking about the original DVD set of the original "Journey To The West" drama series, broadcasted around the mid-eighties. I did not watch all the show, but I did watch the reruns and little snippets of it, and I remember getting really captivated and impressed by this show. This is the show that got me interested in the whole story.
Since then no other "Journey To The West" versions can exceed this version. This is still the best version, and the guy who played the Monkey God really did that to perfection! I really did not expect to find this set, but since it is still popular amongst many people, I guess there is still the demand. Thank goodness for that!
However, when I started watching the show again, somehow I did not feel as captivated as before. Maybe because I was so excited and had my hopes up so high, that the show did not meet up to all the hype. Or maybe because I am now much older and have seen my fair share of shows, I actually find the special effects so fake and lame.
Still, it was not a total disappointment. I still enjoy seeing the whiny monk thinking too good of himself and that he could do without his disciples simply because they tried to get rid of demons for him. The whole series is still pretty good in general, although certain parts can be too draggy. At least now that I have the set, I can take my time to watch as and when I like!


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