
Friday, August 15, 2008

Maintaining A Positive Outlook

I was talking to my cousin two nights back, telling her about the three problems I am facing. As usual, she lent a listening ear and gave her own advise on how to handle adversities along the way. I must keep reminding myself of the carrot, egg and coffee bean story.

However, she said something that got me reflecting. She remarked that despite the pertinent troubles I am having at this point in time, I still seem positive and relatively cheerful, unlike the old days where I would mope and get so emotional. Strange, I thought I still get emotional?

Hmmm… she drove home a valid point. I admit in the olden days, I would have broken down long ago, whenever I faced any setback. I used to cry a lot, be it study stress, work stress, relationship stress, family stress. But now, despite the problems I am facing, I seem to be of a more cheerful disposition.

My best friend says that is because I have finally grown up and mature and not be so swayed by my emotions anymore. On the other hand, I wonder if I have become unfeeling, that nothing gets me down anymore, so nothing will ever make me feel again? Maybe because of those setbacks I had in the past, all those built up and made me a stronger person (hopefully).

In the past where I would gripe about not scoring well during examinations, after a while it got to the stage where, well, it was not like I have never done badly before, so as long as I tried my best that was all that matters. Work wise, it was not like I had never been embroiled in politics before, so despite how irritating that can be, I just take things as they come. Right now, if my boss is happy with my work, I do not really care less what people want to say about me.

Relationships wise, well, it is not as if I must be in a relationship to survive. I am not like my friend whom after I turned him down a few weeks back, all of a sudden he is attached. Pretty fast if you ask me. Besides, it is not as if I have never been in a relationship before, not as if I never had my heart broken. So after a while, I just learn not to plunge so fast into things and just take things naturally. I am not going to be in a relationship just for the sake of being in one again; rather I want to ensure the person is the one before proceeding.

Even though right now the most pressing problem is to figure out how to pay back all my debts at one shot instead of accumulating, still, it is nothing to panic. Yes, I suffered a big loss, but at least I came out unscathed, save for the heartache of losing my savings. Important thing is I have learnt a big lesson and not repeat it ever again. I just have to be more careful how I handle my investments in the future.

I guess after a while, through life experiences, one gets moulded and grow. Part of growth and maturity is the adversities that come with your life and the way you learn how to handle things along the way. I guess also after I survived that lowest point in my life, nothing can ever make me that down again.

It comes to a stage where I realize even if I mope and groan and cry, it will not help matters. So since one has to survive despite ups and downs, why not just maintain a positive and cheerful outlook and continue living life to the fullest, instead of letting whatever things get me down?


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