
Friday, August 1, 2008

Seminar On Interpretation Of Contracts

I went for the Contract Law seminar yesterday. The speaker is just as dynamic in speech as he is in his writings. And he is definitely a seasoned debater, from the way he speaks, he articulates, and his expression and gestures. Wow, I really have a lot to learn!

In any case, the session was pretty informative and well-organised. It was essentially about a recent landmark case on contract interpretation, and how it relates to standard forms of contracts. I felt as if I was sitting in a law lecture all over again! I can just imagine an essay question, "How does the case law of [Plaintiff] v [Defendant] affect the interpretation of contracts in commercial transactions?"

I can just imagine my lecturer telling us the way to answer. First, define contracts and commercial transactions. Next, analyse the case, set down the facts and the judgment, the ratio decidendi and the obiter dictum. Then, scan through the relevant statute(s) and state which Article(s) relate to the issue and case at hand. Finally, give our own analysis, solutions and conclusion to how the case affects the interpretation of contracts. And that is the answer. It may look easy, but in actual fact, most law essays are at least more than three pages (full A4-sized foolscap paper) long.

In any case, I got to ask him questions and when he found out which company I hail from, he came to speak to me after the seminar. Seems like he knows someone from my company. I took the opportunity of asking him to autograph both the books, so now these books are more treasured than before! After all, it is rare indeed to get the author's autographs on any book in the first place already!


kss said...

Yup, its hard nowdays to get the book and the author together, even more getting them sign of the books.

Well, contract law.... those are the days i studied on this....

4 important things in contract law,

a- Offer
b - Acceptance
c - Consideration
d - Intention to create legal relations.........

The rest I have forgotten....



juphelia said...

The contract must have been documented first before there is any offer and acceptance. In any case, there is also rescission, repudiation, validity, enforceability, legally binding, and of course the standard terms and conditions that make the contract in existence in the first place!

kss said...

Wow, now i am lost....

" You got me at HELLO "


kss said...

Wow, now i am lost....

" You got me at HELLO "


juphelia said...

Haha.. do you mean "You HAD me at Hello?" :-p

kss said...

Ha ha ha... I smiled while reading your reply on this. I didn't know you are soo cute in replying me. You are really a cute tiger. :)=


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