
Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Down In Luck ....

When it rains, it really pours! It is like when you are down on your luck, everything start coming at the same time. This is a really really bad time for things to happen. Why can it not happen a few months later when things may get better, instead of now? No matter how best I have tried certain things, in the end everything is not within my control because people start hounding you mercilessly. Seems like even prayers cannot help, unless a miracle happens. One of these days I should really just take the easy route out ....

To top it off, I seem to keep falling lately. Just when I fell off the seat on the bus last week, today I fell down the stairs of my office. Yes, I was going down to the reception area, sashaying away I should say, when my right heel gave way and I tumbled down the rest of the stairs, right in front of some of my colleagues from the third floor.

That was so embarrassing! My colleagues had to help me up, and I had to hobble to the reception counter! Worst thing was that I had no idea my shoe was going to give way because there were no signs, the heel simply came off just like that! Wonder what my colleagues think of my personal grooming!

Perhaps this is a sign my luck is really in a deep abyss. This period of time when everything seem to go wrong - work wise, relations wise, investment wise. Even my "peach blossom luck" is way down! Oh no, who can get me out of this?!


kss said...

Cheer Up ya,
Everyone have their bad and good days ya,

Something for you to cheer up, special song for you:

One more time - Phil Collins



juphelia said...

Thanks so much! The song's pretty nice. I don't mind Phil Collins too!

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