
Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Demise Of A MP

More news on the home front - a certain Member of Parliament of a constituency of the western part of the island, had passed away in his sleep. Now, that is a good way to pass away, peaceful and serene. Anyway, this caught my attention because he used to be my adjunct lecturer for one of the modules in my History major.

Not only that, he was the one that pushed for the creation of another post-secondary school, which has now become one of the top schools. That school was where four of my cousins and myself attended. It was already one of the top schools during my time, pretty impressive record for a school that was only in existence about a decade or so (in those days).

According to the news article on his demise, it was said that everyone was full of praises for him, for his work as a Member of Parliament and his devotion to his family members. I have not seen what he has done in these areas, but as a lecturer, he was not very well-liked. At least he was definitely not my favourite lecturer!

My impression of him was that he was a stern, no-nonsense man who would not mince his words. Perhaps he had high expectations on his students, but he put things in a very crude way. It was as if everyone must be up to his standard. Honestly, if we were the same standard as him, then he would not be lecturing us, would he? We would all become Members of Parliaments or professors already, and not attend his classes to listen to his lectures (in every sense of the word).

Anyway I remember he put down a girl in front of the whole tutorial group because of a World War II presentation. She was on the verge of crying. He started insulting her intelligence, looking down on her qualifications, and saying she was not "quite there" just because she was from a polytechnic and did not have any 'A' level qualifications.

I find that really unnecessary! It is people's choice which education institution to go to, and besides, if she could make it into the university course, her grades would be quite something already! So why did he need to say that? I know she was really upset that day, and I do not know if it was because of this, but the following week, apparently she quit the course.

Oh well... in any case, I suppose he is a pretty great man in other aspects, otherwise there will not be so many who mourned his demise. A person's achievements in life is shown only upon his death, on the number of people who feel sad. Which makes me wonder, if I am to die suddenly, will anyone mourn or will they feel relieved instead? Looks like I really have to examine myself thoroughly.


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