
Monday, July 21, 2008

Can A Believer / Non-Believer Relationship Work?

I was having an interesting discussion with a male friend last night, mostly on how my girlfriends would bitch about the kind of guys they meet, and they are on the verge of giving up on men in general, because the men they meet are either childish, shallow, simplistic or chauvinistic. Or worst, irresponsible.

Common complaint, as usual. But having come across several accounts and my friend himself had come across a few, it is sad that there are many men out there who cheat and have no qualms making use of their girlfriends or wives, then run away when things start to become worse.

Then there were many guys I come across, just because a girl talks to them, automatically assume the girl is interested and want to be with her. Nowadays I always tell these people how well do they know me, how can they be so sure, it is not as if I know them that well. Seriously, why do some guys want to be in a relationship the moment they see a girl, without even considering whether she is the right one?

It takes time to know a person, is it not? And just because the girl chooses to go slow and steady instead of plunging in, he cuts off all contact altogether, and what could be a good budding friendship was nipped in the bud just like that. A pity actually, but to each their own.

So anyway, my friend and I were discussing why would some people want to do everything like an express train, without considering the faster they go, the more accidents they will meet? I guess there are all kinds of people in this world, but I believe people of a certain age and mentality will know to take things slow and steady, to start off as friends first and then keep developing and see how. Love can only occur on the foundation of a strong friendship.

Physical attraction is really not lasting. He himself admitted that. After the initial attraction part, he would like to see if he could communicate with the girl, what her value systems are like, and that whether there is any issue religion wise. Yes, religion plays a part, like it or not. I have seen how people's relationship crumbled due to differences in religion.

It was because of this that I used to think religion was the foremost and end all, because someone with the same religion can relate and understand when I go to church or my values system of what the bible is teaching. But actually now, even though religion is still a big part of my life, it does not really matter if my future partner is of the same religion, as long as he accepts and tolerates it, and not show any blatant disrespect to my beliefs.

Honestly, it is so hard, especially for me with my all-encompassing high standards, to find someone I can really like, and even harder to find someone who likes me back (okay, there are many who confessed they are attracted, but I do not care less about them), so at the end of the day, if we can get along well, enjoy our time with each other, have the same zest for life, able to take care of each other and can enjoy a deep level of communication, religion really does not matter after all.

And something my cousin once said really rang true. She told me I did not need to look for someone of the same religion, because if he really is the right one, he would not hinder me from going to church; rather he will accept, tolerate and respect my beliefs and the way I practise my religion, instead of putting it down and challenging it all the time. He may even convert for me! I never used to believe that, but now I do, especially since I have lots of friends who are non-believers married to believers, but they are still happily together.


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