
Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Another Charitable Scam?

Quite a lot of news on the local front in recent months, some old, some new. A certain high-profile monk is now in the spotlight for misappropriating funds donated to a certain hospital. This monk does dangerous stunts on his own to get more funds for the hospital.

Honestly, it is another clean-up on charitable organisations. As I mentioned before, if people are to donate, do it with a good will and not to kick up such a big fuss over it. Just like a few years back, people were kicking up a big fuss over the amount the former CEO of a certain charitable organisation was getting. Well, being a CEO, it is expected he earned a certain amount, but because he was the CEO of a charitable organisation, that was why all the hoo-ha came about, as if he ought to work for free and not receive any pay.

Now, this monk and some of his assistants are in court over the dispute of the funds used in running the hospital. Perhaps he did misappropriate the funds, perhaps he did use the funds according to his own disposal. Perhaps with so much money in his hands, being human (yes, monks, priests, pastors, are all humans, they are not God or the Buddha), he tried to tweak a bit. He might or might not have done what he was reported, I would not know, neither does anyone unless there is full solid evidence.

Anyway, what I cannot fathom is why was everyone making a fuss over his educational qualifications? That he has a PhD from somewhere unrecognised, an institution no one has heard before. So what he has a PhD, so what if it is recognised or not recognised? Did he use his PhD or whatever qualifications to apply for the job and to be a monk?! Why all the hype on how highly-educated he is?

He was from an elite school, and he chose to be a monk. Being from an elite school showed some level of intellect. So even if he chose to further his studies from anywhere is none of anyone's business, is it not? People can study for interest, to learn more things, it need not necessary be to apply for any job or vocation!

That is the problem with a lot of locals. Just because someone is highly qualified but not doing the kind of job as per qualification does not mean the person is unethical or a cheat! It is not how learned someone is, it is what he does that matters. In any case, do people still think monks go into the high mountains and meditate nowadays? I have seen monks who have big vegetarian feasts outside, who use computers and emails. Their vocation is just their vocation, they are also humans who have the right to live life the way they want.

Of course, if he really did misappropriate the funds, then that is a criminal act under law, and he should be punished accordingly. Not to mention not being transparent about how the public donations are being used. I can understand people's concerns. But instead of being focused on the real issue - like whether he did misappropriate public donations, people are picking on minuscule issues like how qualified he is and how he ought to live his life.

For those who have donated and showed support, they do have a cause to worry. But if at the end of the day, majority of the money was used for the betterment of the healthcare system in the hospital and taking care of the patients, should it not suffice? It is impossible to expect all 100% of the funds to be used for the hospital healthcare, because face it, there are administrative and operational expenses as well.

Even for banks, when we transfer money bank to bank, certain amount will be deducted for bank charges, so at the end, the amount received was less than the original price paid out. Thus, in order to pay the original price, one has to transfer even more money to cater for the bank charges.

At the end of the day, if we are to give, do it generously and do not question. Take it as a good deed because it is not our fault where the money goes as we cannot control where it goes. As long as we know we have done something good, that is all that matters. Whatever karma will be faced by those who sinned, and not us.


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