
Wednesday, March 4, 2009

March-ing On ....

Is it March already? How did the first quarter swing by so fast that it is fast coming to an end? Initially I thought I would have made some changes to certain aspects in my life by now, but things are still as per normal. I am still single, still bouncing around, still working in the same job in the same company, still fighting politics.

At least my life has been more peaceful of late. Is it because people have given up and finally left me alone, or is it just the calm before the hurricane? Whatever it is, I have learnt that one should not go around pleasing everyone else. Just be yourself, people can either like it or not like it, and for those who do not like it, it is their own loss.

March is likely to be a busy month. Already there are some other departments bothering me with stuff that is not really within my scope but just because I took over certain things people assume I am in the know for all. If they can shirk their responsibilities, why must I then be the one to bear the brunt of it all?

Anyway, last week, I took some time off to do something, which I did not disclose. But now that everything is over, let me just say I went for another job interview at a certain company in the media industry that does exclusively sports coverage. In any case, the first time was with the General Counsel, and the second time was with the Human Resource Manager, and in the end I did not get it.

Oh well... it is hard to get a job nowadays. It is the employer's market now, and they have every right to be extra picky who they choose. Job negotiations are harder and harder at times like these, yet people are willing to take whatever that comes no matter what income. A very big difference when times are good and employees can get poached by several companies and they can then choose which one to take and negotiate on how much!

Which is why I can never fathom why some people deliberately throw away their jobs by causing problems. Things like surfing net while at work, et al are minor issues. Major issues like sleeping at your desk because you got drunk during office hours, or taking a four-hour lunch break just to go do your hair, or banging your boss' table just because he tried to talk to you, are sure killers!

It is so hard to get a job now, even my company has been implementing cost-cutting measures, so why would anyone deliberately sabotage their own career? In any case, hope we can march on to better times ahead for the rest of the year!


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