
Friday, March 13, 2009

Seeing Hope ....

I came across a heartwarming scene last week. An acquaintance and I were making our way to a cafe, when we saw a couple having their wedding pictures taken. The bride was taking the photos first, so the groom was by himself. When he turned around, I saw a curly-haired middle-aged man in the groom attire, holding on to a bouquet.

From the back view, the bride looked pretty and elegant. However, when I got to the front, I realise she is middle-aged too. Both the bride and groom look to be in their fourties at least! I was just remarking to my friend that this shows that there is still hope, that they can find each other at this age!

Sometimes I wonder, maybe the reason women are seen as "desperate" to find someone before a certain age, can it be because the men themselves only accept women up to a certain age? Afterall, men, no matter how old they are, still look for a younger lady, especially if she still can conceive easily. Traditionally, younger women are more fertile and "better-looking" as compared to older women.

To be honest, I think older women are more mature, capable, independent and better able to handle things properly as they are less emotional. They may not whine as much as younger women. They know how to take care of men better than younger women. And they are not as attention-seeking. In short, older women "have it all together", so to speak. Yet, because they are not as biologically fertile as younger women, they are often overlooked.

It is the same thing why younger women go for older men. Older men are more mature, more experienced (in terms of life experiences, not anything else!), more interesting and "have it all together", as compared to younger men. I am not saying that is always the case. Life experiences and exposure also depends on the kind of life you have and your attitudes and values towards things.

Still, after seeing that bridal photography scene, I feel happy as perhaps there is still hope? Maybe that couple happens to be those lucky ones that is few and far in between? But I can still dream right? No harm dreaming, perhaps one day my dream may just come true! Although I hope it will not have to be another ten years, hopefully just within this year or another year at most!


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