
Monday, May 18, 2009

Handing Over ....

So I went back to the office and briefed the part-timer on what needs to be done, or rather, what else needs to be done. There are lots to hand over, and even then, I did not think I covered all bases. There were simply too many ad hoc things along the way, which people have to discover for themselves.

Thus, this part of my life is over. It is like ending a relationship. When the relationship has turned bad and you no longer know if it is worth holding on to it, it should just be let go of and start anew somewhere else. But the only difference is that, the working environment is not something I am that attached to, thus I can leave without any painful feelings, whereas for a real relationship, you end up crying your heart out when it has to end.

Hopefully my new place will be better in terms of environment. And my new relationship (if and when there is any), will also be the best, one that can last and will be the last.


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