
Wednesday, January 20, 2010

First Baby Of The Year

Last evening I went to the hospital to see my friend and her new baby. While there, we had to register at the counter. Now the hospital only allows two visitors up the ward at one time. Since my friend's husband was already up there, only I could go up, and the rest could not. Unless the husband came down, otherwise no one else would be allowed up.

I find that really ridiculous! My friend had just given birth, obviously her husband had to be with her throughout! The hospital staff was afraid too many of us would disturb the other patients, but my friend was in a private, air-conditioned ward! There was no one else in the room!

But rules are rules. We had to register at the counter and take a sticker before we could even be allowed up the ward. So finally we did not bother anymore and just went up one by one. Hence all of us could see her and the baby together.

The baby is so cute! He was wrapped up in layers and sleeping so soundly! I wanted so much to carry him but was so afraid of touching him. Even the way he wailed and sneezed is cute! A baby is a miracle indeed, how does a woman actually pop a baby out of her body?

I guess the pain is indescribable, until you actually experience it yourself. That is why women are so great, as men can never experience all these, and perhaps even if they do, they can never be able to stand it. Yet some men still think they are the best and women have to be subjected to their whims and fancies, without ever considering what women have to go through!


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