
Monday, January 18, 2010

The Blind Side

How many of us help someone less priviledged out of goodwill without expecting anything back? This was what the family in the movie "The Blind Side" did.

The movie is based on a recent true story of a wealthy white family taking in a black homeless teenager, giving him lodging, food and education and treating him as part of the family. They even provided him tuition to improve his grades and went all out to get him a football scholarship so he can carve a future for himself. Now this black guy is a professional football player.

The thing is, the family was not obliged to do all these, yet they did. They even bought him a car to drive and really treated him as their own child. All for a child that belonged to someone else.

It was not just the parents who did that, the children treated him like their own brother too. It kind of made me ashamed - how many of us treat our own family right, let alone someone else who was a total stranger?

Yet why would someone else do that? Simply because it felt to be the right thing to do. In the words of Sandra Bullock who played the mother, when asked why was she doing so much for him, she said, "I am learning much more from him than he from me."

Is that not just inspiring? I do not know about others, but I was touched to tears after watching the show.

All is not lost if there are still such good people around!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


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