
Monday, April 7, 2008

A Sign Of Pettiness?

I went for another social networking dinner on Saturday night, consisting of four ladies and three men. This time round, those involved are mostly older than me, so we talked about serious stuff like the things we do, politics, technology, to a point of being stodgy. Hmmmm......

Last night, I went for dinner with a guy. He seems okay in the beginning, but when the bill came, he told me that he did not bring enough cash with him and asked if I could pay. Warning signs started ringing in my head because I had experienced this before, where the guy simply just lived off me and shirked his responsibility.

But he sounded so apologetic so to prevent any further embarrassment, I paid for the bill. Then he offered to walk around with me, on the pretext of looking for an ATM. After wandering for a while, he said he needed to rush off, and asked for my contact, and since he was not able to find an ATM, he would ask me out again and pay me back.

Then I did something I have never done before. I asked if he could at least walk me to the train station, to which he obliged. So I deliberately took him by the route where we would pass by the appropriate ATM, and even pointed out the machine for his attention.

After that, he withdrew the cash and paid me back for the dinner, including my share, which I declined at first but he insisted. Hmmmm.... I wonder if I have been a bit too petty? It is not a big sum after all, should I have just let it go instead of making things difficult for him, so to speak? At times, I wonder since when have I become so particular, when in the past I could have just let it go?


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