
Friday, April 11, 2008


A touching story I came across, in traditional Chinese though. My translation is below, but as can be seen, I am not exactly a good translator. :-p







沒有人是故意要變心的,他愛你的時候是真的愛你,可是他不愛你的時候也是真的不愛你了,他愛你的時候沒有辦法假裝不愛你;同樣的,他不愛你的時候也沒有辦法假裝愛你 。當一個人不愛你要離開你,你要問自己還愛不愛他,如果你也不愛他了,千萬別為了可憐的自尊而不肯離開;如果你還愛他,你應該會希望他過得幸福快樂,希望他跟真正愛的人在一起,絕不會阻止,你要是阻止他得到真正的幸福,就表示你已經不愛他了,而如果你不愛他,你又有什麼資格指責他變心呢?








The article essentially relates to the four people one meet in one's lifetime.

"Life is a journey of finding love. Everyone will be able to find four kinds of people in their lifetimes.

The first person is yourself.

The second person is the one you love the most.

The third is the one who loves you the most.

The fourth is the one you end up spending your life with.

Besides yourself, the first person you find will be the one you love the most, then you will experience what loving someone is all about. After knowing how to love someone, then you will find the one who loves you the most. After experiencing love and being loved, then you know what it is you need, and you will then find the one that is the most suitable, the one whom you end up spending your life with.

The sad thing is, in this real world, those three people are not the same persons. The person you love the most normally is the one who will not love you back, the one who loves you the most is the one you do not love. And the one who has the lifelong relationship with you, is neither the one you love the most nor the one who loves you the most, but just the one who happens to appear at the right place and the right time.

So, which one are you in a person's life?

No one will deliberately have a change of heart. When he loves you, he really does love you, but when he stops loving you, he really does stop loving you. When a person is in love, he cannot pretend he is not; similarly when a person is no longer in love, he cannot pretend that he is still in love.

When a person has stopped loving you and wants to leave, you have to ask yourself if you still love him. If you no longer love him, then do not keep holding on and not leave just because of the time and effort spent or because of a bruised ego.

But if you still love him, you will wish for him to be happy, and hope he will be with someone whom he truly loves. You will not stop him from finding his true happiness, because if you do, it shows you do not really love him, so if you do not really love him, then how can you blame him for no longer loving you?

Love is not possession or ownership. Just like if you love the moon, but it is impossible for you to take the moon down with you, yet the moon's beams can still light up your room. In other words, by loving a person, you can own him in other ways, like letting the one you love become an eternal memory in your mind.

If you really love a person, you love him for who he is - love his good points, and his bad points. You cannot expect him to become the ideal person you have in your mind just because you love him, and if he does not, then you no longer love him.

True love is unfathomable, it simply cannot be explained. But you know no matter what happens, wherever you are, when you are happy or sad, you will wish for this person to be by your side. True love is shown when two persons face the greatest adversity, yet still be there for each other, with no strings attached.

Because love is to be given, not just taken. Love can withstand the test of time and separation. If the love is not strong enough, then both just have to concede defeat, because true love should never become animosity or hatred.

When two people are in love, they are fond of asking each other to promise the impossible. Why? Because we do not trust our partner, our loved one. And these promises are impossible to achieve, because we promise things like, "Even when the oceans dry up, the grounds shrivel, my love for you will never falter."

But we all know the oceans will never dry up and the grounds will never falter. Even if they do, we are probably no longer alive to witness that. So when you make a promise, do not ask for the impossible; rather, promise something unattainable, because the most moving promises are unattainable. If you really love someone, then do not say something yet do something else. In this way, even the one talking and the one listening will not believe it.

So which one have you found? In this populated world, who have you found? Who have found you?

Wishing all the those in love blessings that they can find their other halves."

Come to think of it, I have been rather blessed indeed, as in the one I love the most and the one who loves me the most (so far) is one and the same person. Perhaps the next person who enters my life will then be the one I end up spending a lifetime with? The one who comes into my life at the right place and right time? It is time indeed that I stop flitting around and settle down for once.


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