
Wednesday, April 5, 2006

Attack Of The Shopaholic!

I finally went back to choral practice last night after a whole-month hiatus, and found that I could not even project my voice out at all. My own fault for not practising my vocals on my own, and taking such a long break in between performances. I better polish myself up before the real intensive rehearsals start in June.

I went on a shopping spree today. How long was it since I last went on a shopping spree? Those little purchases of things I need once in a while do not count. My shopping spree normally means I will indulge in more expensive products, and buying more than I should.

I went to Citylink Mall, only intending to shop for a gift for my best friend's upcoming birthday this weekend, as well as to buy a few long dresses which can be worn for work. And since my guy needed to run an errand before joining me for dinner, I had some time to wander around by myself.

I found what I wanted for my best friend, and since I still had plenty of time, I just went crazy and started indulging. So I bought a knee-length skirt and a miniskirt from M:)phosis. Then I bought a knit-top from Sense.

After which, I went to the newly-opened Marina Square and tried on a few dresses at Mango, Zara and Miss Selfridge. I was debating whether to just go ahead and buy what I wanted, or to save costs and not indulge, when he appeared and offered to pay for whatever I wanted.

Thus, I went ahead and bought two dresses at Miss Selfridge, a top and skirt at Mango, and two executive dresses at Zara. I could not even bear to tally up the total and see for myself how much everything cost, and I was so embarrassed using his money.

On the other hand, it has been so long since I last indulged. I could never shop and indulge when I was with my ex, as he frowned upon me spending money. And since my current guy is generous and nice enough to let me indulge, I may as well take the opportunity to spend a bit more.

At least I have done my shopping for the month. No more shopping for another two months, until the infamous Great Singapore Sale! Then, I can start indulging again, and this time there will probably be more and better bargains!


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