
Friday, April 21, 2006

Do Guys Get Better With Age?

My mum went for an ambigram yesterday to check her recurring chest pains. Apparently, she got wounded and had to be hospitalised for a day. I rushed home earlier last night just to keep her company only to find she was not home.

Nobody told me the news only after my dad came back, and that was almost ten, too late to even call her at the hospital, let alone rush down to see her. Is it any wonder she thinks I am so unfilial? But luckily she came back today, and looks really good, which is a relief to me.

In light of recent events, sometimes I wonder if older guys are really more mature and more sensible? Okay, I sound rather unfair if I say this, some older guys are more mature and responsible and really knows how to take good care of others well.

But I have seen guys becoming worse the older they get. I base my observations on my second and third ex, since I have been with them longer periods of time so I have a first-hand observation of their changes.

Incidentally, my guy friends do become better with age, but why is it the guys I had been with in the past somehow get more childish with age? It is just not fair! Luckily I now have someone to be with, who is not like those immature guys I used to be with.

For my last two relationships, ironically, the very things that attracted me to them were also the ones that in the end drove us apart. For my second ex, I admired his chivalry, his gentlemanliness, his being ultra-romantic, but unfortunately, these are the very qualities that attracted other girls to him.

And with all the flight stewardesses fighting for his attention, is it any wonder he left? I became nothing to him, since he had the bevy of gorgeous girls at his disposal. And, according to my best friend, he is still such a Ladies' man. No wonder his girlfriend is so protective over him, and for that, I do not blame her.

My third ex was the problematic one. Where I used to like his sense of humour, I realised he made corny jokes over everything, even things which were serious to me, like he could not be sensitive to my feelings.

Where I used to admire his piety to his parents, I realise he is too much of a mummy's boy that he could not do anything on his own or stand on his own two feet without going through his parents.

I used to find him endearing, but I realise how irritating he could be when I was on the phone and he could just make funny noises and interrupt my conversation, and my friend on the other end got so irritated.

Plus, he could just grab the remote control and change the channel in the midst of me watching a television programme, without even bothering to ask if I was still watching the show.

All these occurred after we were together for quite some time. Okay, perhaps love is blind, but he was honestly not like this even when we were in a relationship. It was only after a year or so that he started behaving like how my youngest brother would behave.

I may be generalising, but now I realise that an immature guy will only make empty promises, but not get anything done. So many things I have been promised, but the guys just conveniently forgot.

A mature guy, on the other hand, will be fully accountable and responsible. He need not promise you anything, but will just do it. Like when I said I was hungry at work, he specially came up and sneaked some titbits and two satchets of Cadbury Hot Chocolate for me.

When I wanted to suck on a sweet after lunch, he gave me not just one, but an entire box. When I mentioned I needed a charger to bring to the office so I could charge my mobile in case it ran out of battery, he immediately brought an extra charger for me the next day.

He did all these without saying, and without me asking him. I only had to mention it and it would be done. Which is why I am always so speechless with gratitude and touched by all he has done, because comparatively, in the past, I had been promised this and that but those were never done.

Perhaps only a guy who knows what a girl wants and needs and fulfils them, can be considered someone who can truly take responsibility for her. If the guy only makes fancy promises but never get anything done, how can he even be responsible for anyone else since he cannot even be responsible enough to keep his word?


LeeCooper said...

My view is that you treat they guys in your previous relationship better than what they deserve. Had they been deserving, they would have appreciate you more; but they took you for granted and treated you even badly than before.

It's not wrong to be the giving party. Just make sure the other party deserves it.

And for your ex(s). You should cut all communications with them. That's what I always advise my friends and it has been proven that nothing works better than a clean break.

Richard said...

People become more like themselves.

A Japanese friend of mine does not believe that people become sentient until they are in their 20s.

She argues that while she was happy in he childhood, she was really no more sentient than a dog or a cat. Philisophically / religiously she is a Buddhist.

shakespeareheroine said...

Leecooper : YOu think so? But love is giving, isn't it?

Richard : Perhaps you're right.

Ole' Wolvie said...

"Breaking up on good terms" do actually exist. Just that it seems a lot rarer in Asia. For example, over religious differences, or simply just being apart for too long over two different continents.

These should still be worthy to keep as friends. But as for those who makes you upset almost everytime you had contact with them? Why bother.

Now you have a job to do. Find out what your guy likes, needs, and be somewhat versed in them :P (Even if it is playing MMORPG!)

shakespeareheroine said...

What myu guy likes? Easy! He likes to make me happy!

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