
Friday, April 7, 2006

Slimming Treatments - How Effective Are They?

My face has been breaking out lately so I went for a facial after work yesterday. I hardly ever break out, so if pimples start sprouting, I am either really stressed or really emotionally messed-up.

Anyway, my beautician took a look at me and said it was time for her to recommend me a slimming treatment. When I heard that, all my worst fears have come true! I know sooner or later something like this will happen, especially since I seem to have gone up another size in light of my recent shopping spree. So she gave me a free trial session together with the facial.

First she wrapped up my body and hooked me onto a machine, and I could actually feel my fats vibrating away. Gosh, I would not dare to look inside my body and see what exactly happened in there!

The machine is to tone the body muscles, drain away all lymphage, cellulite and water retention, and create a fuller figure and curvier silhouette. It is only one session, and obviously I cannot tell the difference as yet, but are these treatments really effective?

Some people say that these treatments do work, otherwise there will not be so many women going for slimming treatments and the various beauty parlous will not be making big money. They feel that if even celebrities go for slimming treatments, then there must be something there.

Some people say that these beauty parlours asking celebrities to endorse their products just to sell, and the treatments do not work. Perhaps the treatments may not work for all, but I do believe they work for some. Otherwise why are the beauty parlous having booming businesses? To cater to vain people like me! :-D

My friend told me once she believes those slimming treatments depend on the body shape too. If the lady already has a svelte figure, then it will be easier to get back in shape. If she has a body like Lydia Sum or Selena Tan, then she will not be able to slim down much in the first place.

But there is a catch though. The slimming treatments help to even out the accumulation of cellulite and gets rid of water retention, something which we cannot do on our own, but to enable the treatment to really work thoroughly, we must follow the diet and lifestyle the beautician recommends.

Which means I have to cut down on fried chicken and chocolate!!! OH NO!!!! How can I live without chocolate??!! It is like asking me to stop breathing altogether! She said if I must have chocolate, get by with one or two bars per week, instead of per day. How can I do that?! I will get withdrawal symptoms after just a couple of days!

But it is all willpower, is it not? If I want to be slim and stop griping about my body, I have to do something. Even if it means going on cold turkey on my chocolate addiction to achieve the desired effect. *Sob sob*

I did ask her though, that if all it takes to be slim is to have a good diet and exercise, then I do not need to go for any slimming treatments already. She said that the slimming treatment is to help tone up and drain away all unwanted fats, but that is no use without the proper diet and exercise. The diet and exercise only helps maintain an already slim body.

I was still unconvinced, so I called up a friend who have managed to slim down after a few treatments. Back in school, she was twice my size (I was slimmer then), but now she is about the same size as me or even slimmer.

She told me that the slimming treatments did work for her, as the treatments got rid of everything and the body becomes slimmer only after a few sessions, but to maintain the body and to remain slim, the diet and lifestyle will have to be adhered to as a supplement to the slimming treatment.

So shall I or shall I not sign up for a full package? Since there is a treatment to make people slim, I only wish there is a treatment to make people taller. I will not mind another ten centimeters or so, then I can have my dream figure – tall and slim!


LeeCooper said...

Nah.. all those slimming treatments are fakes. I know because my WTB works in the beauty industry and my ex is a priority customer to those slimming centers.

The fact is that as long as you eat right and regular, you'll go slim even without excerise.

Remember the guy who ate MacDonald's for a month and recorded the effects on himselves on video? I saw another video of another guy who wanted to see if there is any similar effect by eating extravagently for each meal. He had buffets, steaks, fining dinning but lost 6 pounds after a month. Doctors attribute the result to his regulated meal time.

And that's precisely what slimming center request that you do; eat on time and eat correclty; then they'll claim credit to their treatments and not your diet.

Slimming centers will always have business because woman are constantly not satified with themselves.

Grace said...

Speaking of getting slim, NEVER NEVER take diet pills!(or things that falls into same category) No matter what kind of diet pill it is. No slimming tea whatsoever.

My own mother took some 10 - 15 years ago and she end up having PH disorder (Pulmonary Hipertension). And my aunt also having another 'rare disease'. Both have no cure yet.

Just be happy with who we are. And certainly exercise and eating right is the best. (*blush* writing this while I still haven't start my exercise plan yet ;P)

Anonymous_X said...

sh: Referring to your past article. Now you know what is wrong with going out in the middle of the night to meet your boyfriend for supper. :>

Leecooper: Something about this just doesn't sound right. Or your WTB plans to change her career? -> "...all those slimming treatments are fakes. I know because my WTB works in the beauty industry..."

Grace: Easy for you to say. Gus is a perfectly loving hubby wat. ;p

LeeCooper said...

anonymous_x: hee.. she is in the beauty industry but her company does not focus on the slimming treatment.

shakespeareheroine said...

Leecooper : Probably. Except in the type of lifestyle most people lead nowadays, it is rather hard to keep to a regulated eating habit. ALthough I guess people must still try in order to be healthier.

Grace : Is it? Thanks for the tip then. I was thinking of trying slimming pills or diets.

Anon_X : Hey, don't remind me ok? Although I used to eat more but never gain weight. Yet I've been putting on more weight the past couple of years. Must be due to age, or else a more lavish lifestyle.

LeeCooper said...

Shakespeareheroine.. remember my blog entry on gaining weight?

Goy said...

I don't know whether I should say this but my mother is a beautician. Usually it really depends which kind of beauticians you face with. There are some who does a mediocre job but there are some who put in th 101% effort. Hence, there lies a difference between a successful slimming treatment or not.

Richard said...

Basically your weight is a factor calories consumed versus calories expended.

Excercise helps to trim and tone muscles, giving them shape and form.

Your best bet for slimming is to reduce the number of calories consumed (so chocolate bnges are out) and increase muscle toning activities.

My wife eats a yoghurt and a fruit for breakfast, a sandwich, oghhurt and about 200g of carrots for lunch, takes a 30-60 minute walk at lunch and eats a normal dinner.

I would say, save you money, eat sensibly and exercise a bit more.

Don't worry about your height. My wife is only 163cm (I am 185cm).

What makes people beautiful is a happy positive attitude.

shakespeareheroine said...

leecooper : Ah yes, I remember that post. Will take note of it.

Goy : Is it? So should i give it a try then?

Richard : THanks for the tip!

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