
Saturday, April 22, 2006

Pre-Exam Stress!

My examination is coming in less than a month. My notes are still in the process of being revised. I have bought coloured pens to replenish the ones I had. Due to a long period of non-usage, my coloured pens have all dried up, hence the need to replace.

This examination is important, because it determines if I go on to the next semester, get exemptions or re-take the module, as well as contributing to the total overall final grade. In other words, whether I get a mere pass degree, lower honours or upper honours all spring from this first paper.

If I so much as do badly, even for one paper, I can kiss the upper Honours goodbye. :-( And what is the use of putting in my money, time and effort studying again if all I get is another mere pass degree with not much prospects?

The topics will be on Art Appreciation, Art History, Philosophy, Sonnets, Classical Studies like the Roman era and the Architecture of the Coliseum, History like the French Revolution and Sociology on what led to the Revolution.

The good news is that if I do very well in this paper, I can be exempted from the second part of the module, and go on to the next stage. If not, I can take the second part of the module in the July semester. Otherwise, I have to retake the first part all over again, and I do not think I can afford to do that since I plan to finish the entire course within a certain time frame.

Come to think of it, I really must thank my parents and teachers in the past for training me on how to manage and utilise my time well. Although I still wonder how some people can skip classes and read the notes a couple of times but still do so much better than me?

Some people think what I am doing is a breeze, as it is just lots of reading. Yet, these same people are those who hate to read, but think they know so much. Academic reading is so not the same as normal fiction reading! Even for a relatively fast reader like me, I find it such a struggle already.

Maybe it is my own fault for choosing such a course. It is probably more of a breeze if I chose the Bachelor of Science in Mathematics degree instead, and spend the time proving L.H.S. = R.H.S. (QED). But if I had taken this type of course, I will never be able to pass because my L.H.S. will never be equal to the R.H.S.

Just like the Accounts lectures I used to sit in back in school. I thought it was fun to do Accounts, then gave up totally when I realise my Balance Sheet could never balance, and my Profit And Loss Statement was always making a loss.

Okay, time to hit the books again. If anyone has a good method on how to spend less time studying yet can score better, please let me know! I am in desperate need of information like this!


LeeCooper said...

I've learned over the years that I'm very good at picking things up quickly but bad at remembering for a long time. So my strategy to exams is to studying when it is very, very near the date. I try to understand why things are done rather than how they are done. And I know I'm good with logic and discrete mathematics.

You'll have to find out what you're good at and adapt your studies around them. You're a smart girl and I'm very sure you'll ace your exams!

Anonymous_X said...

Pre-exam stress? Just remember your goal: "to achieve a first-class honours this time, no matter what it takes." ;) Too lazy to include a link, you should know from which article (of yours) I quote that. Heh. Gd luck!

Goy said...

Hmm.. Try to take short breaks in between your study periods? Like perhaps study for 25 minutes then rest for 5 minutes and after that continue to repeat the cycle. You wouldn't feel drained.

shakespeareheroine said...

Leecooper and Anon_X : Thanks for the wishes.

Goy : Yes, I heard about that. The half hour rule - study for 25 min, take 5 min break, after 2 hours take a 15 min break, etc. It really works actually, but right now, I'm more brain-dead as compared to the past.

Ole' Wolvie said...

Hey hey hey...

What happened to 'studying just for the sake of studying?'

Art is not something to be tackled with a head full of worry (unless you want to make something to express it :P)


shakespeareheroine said...

Yes, studying for the sake of studying, but to do well at the same time, otherwise what's the use?

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