
Thursday, April 6, 2006

Generation Gap

What defines "generation gap"? Why do some kids complain that they have a "generation gap" with their parents? I can relate pretty well since I think my parents and I have been having generation gaps for years.

I guess generation gaps exist only if parents and children cannot come to a compromise. Parents want their own ways, children want their own ways. I am not yet a parent, so I cannot relate to how parents actually feel, but personally, I think there must come a time for parents to let go, otherwise how will the child ever get to be independent and learn things on his / her own?

But generation gaps do exist between siblings and friends too. I have a generation gap with my elder cousin who is only three years older. She just functions differently I guess, so, although she respects the way I lead my life, I have a feeling she does not approve of what I do and how I behave.

I believe I have a generation gap with my brother too. My youngest one, that is. The other one functions almost similar to myself. My youngest brother is the one that thinks the whole world revolves around him. I can never understand how he functions, and he can never understand the things I do sometimes, which lead to the generation gap.

There can even be generation gaps between people of the same age. I feel a generation gap between my ex and myself, even amongst some of my friends.

I guess there will always be a generation gap amongst people no matter who and where, because everyone is just different. I have been handling generation gaps all my life. The only thing I want to find out is how to close the generation gap to foster a more positive relationship with better understanding and respect.


Ole' Wolvie said...

Generation gaps are not so clear cut. The gaps you mention are mostly interpersonal character differences.

A generation gap arises from mindsets that was the norm in the past, but is not embraced by the current young population.

A clear cut example of a generation gap:

My parents are very reluctant to learn to use electronic means of communication (e-mail, SMS, etc.) My mom has now managed to send and read SMS (after much persuasion by my brother who is tired of her asking him to send SMS on her behalf), while my dad still refuses to even own a handphone.

Being selfish is the same across generations. There is no gap there :P

shakespeareheroine said...

Perhaps. But I guess personality differences will also constitute generation gap cos people dun wish to compromise and stick to their own beliefs, be they rite or wrong.

Ole' Wolvie said...

You have those across the same generation too.

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