
Thursday, October 11, 2007

Of Loyalty And Devotion

My thoughts lately trigger another new reflection : does it take effort to stay loyal and devoted to a partner? Somehow a female tends to stay loyal and devoted, to the person she marries, to the children she gave birth to, to the families she was born in and married into.

Does it mean to say that females never think of straying? Of course not! Whoever said women will never think of straying? Contrary to what a lot of people think, there are women who think of straying, if she finds that it is too tiring to do so much and she wants some excitement back in her life.

Along comes a young, good-looking man (okay I am stereotyping), or a charming man who is able to connect to her on an intellectual and emotional level, something which she seem to have lost with her husband, and her heart will go a-flutter.

However, women seem to have a greater sense of responsibility and commitment. She will not be able to just elope or run off with someone else or get into an affair just like that. Before she does anything, she always think of her family and how they will be affected by her actions. Thus, there are fewer cases of women divorcing because of adultery on her part.

Yet for men, it seem that a lot of men have no qualms starting affairs or setting up another family. Maybe because men have it easy, that they have their partners to oversee everything, be it household or family affairs, which leave them more "free" to pursue other ventures?

Or is it because men just do not have the strong sense of responsibility and commitment as a woman, so they can just drop everything and do what they like, despite how their actions will affect their family members?

For instance, a man gets posted overseas and the posting does not give allowances for his family to go along. Now, in most cases I see, whenever the husbands go for a posting overseas, the wife and children always go along. But some companies do not give allowances to the family members.

With the distance and time difference (for some), it is understandable why the man will get lonely and start to miss companionship. But does that give him any excuse to then just pick up or know any girl and start an affair, leaving the poor wife playing the role of both parents, and keeping the house neat and tidy for him?

I guess it all boils down to faithfulness, is it not? Faithfulness is not just a mere reason that if you love me, you will remain faithful. Faithfulness also encompasses commitment, discipline and determination. Commitment to the loved ones, discipline of not falling into temptation, and determination that despite the long distance, the marriage and relationship will not sour.

Faithfulness also encompasses responsibility. Responsibility to the loved ones, knowing that he cannot do anything to let them down, to hurt them. He must be responsible for their well-being, and not let the family crumble through his own doings.

Of course there is always trust, but before there is trust, there must be confidence that the guy is trustworthy in the first place, ie he will not fool around and always be responsible and committed to the family. Only by showing that can he warrant the trust from his loved ones.

Now, if I am ever to find such a guy, I will never be afraid no matter how far away he is or how long he will be away. Sad to say, a lot of people deem it unnecessary to be faithful, as after all, they are so far away, how would anyone know what they are up to?

Your conscience knows. And despite how careful one is, sooner or later, the affair will come to the ears of the partner, because it is never a good thing to just fool around and have flings and cheat others of their feelings.


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