
Tuesday, October 9, 2007


It is a rather scary thought that I will soon be at the end of my twenties and yet have not achieved a lot. Most people my age or even younger have rather high qualifications, a decent job (not saying my job is not decent) with high incomes (which mine definitely is not), or they are attached to be married, or married with kids, or able to afford a place or car (or even both).

What about me? None of the above, for now. Maybe mine will come later on in life, but I have waited ten years for things to happen, yet nothing happened. Am I to wait another ten more years? Twenty, thirty even? I do not intend to live such a long life. I want to have everything I set out to achieve before my children (if I ever have any) are grown up and gone.

Perhaps it is a case of Murphy's Law, where the more you want something, the more you cannot seem to get it. And in most cases, the contrary happens - the more you do not want something, the more it happens.

If it is still tolerable I can accept it, but why is it when the more I swear off guys who are only out for flings, the more I hear from people like that? The more I do not wish to do something, I somehow end up always doing the same thing. Yet the more I wish for something to happen, the more it does not happen.

Or is it because what I want is too unrealistic? I do not ask for riches or a Midas touch, nor beauty and brains (although of course I wish these areas can be a bit better), nor a high-flying job. What I ask for is only a simple life, a warm and loving family of my own.

So my other wish for the next year is that I can have or at least working towards having a family of my own, a good future with someone I love and who loves me more. That has been my wish for the past five years or so, and it shall remain my wish until it really comes true.


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