
Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Celebrating Christmas ...

At the Advent sharing today, we were talking about Christmas and how each one used to celebrate Christmas. I always listen in envy whenever someone mentions about their Christmas tree, decorations, parties and gatherings, because my family does not celebrate Christmas.

I never have a Christmas tree nor decorations because my parents do not see the need for those. Hence I could only read books and imagine how decorating a Christmas tree and baking a pie would be like.

The Christmas trees and parties I came across were those of my relatives. When we were still young, we would be invited to a Christmas party during the eve at my aunt's place, especially when my Australian relatives were back visiting. There would be games, presents, Christmas goodies and of course the tree!

Some of my relatives would take turns hosting, so we would go to a different party every year. Now that we are all grown and most of my cousins have married with some living abroad, we do not have these parties for the past several years anymore.

So this year, my Christmas wish is to have an old-fashioned Christmas. There will be a Christmas tree which I want to decorate from scratch, decorations around and outside the house, snow falling outside, and come Christmas Eve, everyone in the family will come back and we will feast on roast beef, Christmas pudding, singing carols by the fire and spreading some cheer.

A simple wish, but who am I kidding? Where I stay there is no old-fashioned Christmas, no snow falling down, no door-to-door carol singers, no fireplace, and no Christmas pudding. Oh well... I can still dream, can I not?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Richard said...

Advent has lost some of its significance in the Roman Catholic faith. Advent used to be a 40 day period of fasting and penance (much like Lent) as we prepared (cleansed) ourselves for the coming of the Lord. The Eastern Rites still celebrate a glummer 40 day Advent (starts on November 15).

Of course, Advent is not just a ritualistic preperation rehash of Jesus coming 2000 years ago, but it is also a preperation for his second coming. I think this gets left out in a lot of peoples' mind: we are not just commemorating his birth, we are also preparaing for his return.

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