
Sunday, December 12, 2010

Christmas Shopping Done!

For the past few years, I have found it a hassle doing Christmas shopping. What is it that I can get people which they already not have? One cannot give shoes or clothes or bags because everyone's taste and preference is different. Neither can one give jewellery or cosmetics or gadgets because they probably have nicer and more expensive ones.

So I stopped doing Christmas shopping altogether. However when my closest girlfriends started with a Christmas gathering last year and I realise I was the only one who did not give away gifts, I felt really really bad. Christmas is the time for giving after all, so how can I just receive and not give?

Hence this year when we are planning another Christmas get-together, I decided to do some Christmas shopping in order to get them something. After sourcing for so many things, I decided to stick with the most practical one - body wash and perfume set. At least I know eveyone will get to use that no matter what!

Just as well my company gave everyone ninety dollars worth of shopping vouchers as door gifts during the recent Dinner and Dance so I could just utilize all! I managed to get gift sets for my two best friends as well as another gift set for Mr DC's mother.

I have also gotten a Christmas gift for him. As for the rest of the guys - his father and the husbands of my friends, I have no idea what to give as it is rather hard to buy things for men since the variety is so much lesser. As I said, what can I give that they already do not have nor their wives have not given them?

But at least I am happy that I have gotten my Christmas shopping done! So now all I am waiting for is the day we get-together and exchange gifts! Looking forward to that!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


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