
Sunday, March 16, 2008

A Pompous Person

I met a very pompous guy for lunch yesterday. All he could do was to comment about everything, to the food (which was not even my choice of restaurant) to my job (who is he to say my job is boring without exactly knowing what it is I do?) to the place I was going for dinner to celebrate a friend's birthday (he slaughtered the food of a place I was dying to try out) to religion (he actually asked me what is the purpose of me going to church?!).

I was so irritated that I really felt like telling him off! I came from a tennis game, so he commented on why I played tennis when I had a lunch appointment! Why could I not play tennis before the lunch appointment, and in any case I was not late, I was there about ten minutes before the appropriate time!

He claimed to have studied overseas, and he kept putting down our education system, saying he could not get into the course he wanted because his grades were not good enough. Well, if his grades were not good, and he could not make the course, why blame the education system? And for someone who studied overseas in an English-speaking country, his standard of the language leaves much to be desired.

At the end of the lunch, he even took out a cigarette and started smoking. That was the final straw. It took all shreds of decency to end the meeting on an amicable note. Luckily I never have to see him again, because I sure did not make it seem like I am interested in meeting up with him again and we did not exchange numbers or name cards.


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