
Thursday, March 13, 2008

End Of A Quarter

Is it middle of March already? Where have all the days gone? Imagine I was just lamenting on a note I posted that it has been another decade, and now 2008 is almost a quarter gone. I have really not done much this quarter, so looks like I need to be more proactive in the second quarter onwards!

Beginning of the year has been a rather trying time. I was unsure of where to go in terms of career and life. Career wise, things seem to be settled. Studies and music, I am putting in effort, or at least I like to believe I am putting in effort. Religion wise, I have been attending Novena for most part. As to my social life, it has been almost non-existent, but hopefully that will pick up in the second quarter onwards.

Events that happened in the past year made me put my life in certain perspectives. It is true that once one starts to become objective, a lot of things will clear up. Maybe this is a true sign of growth - that I stop being so emotionally swayed and try to think things through in a rational way.

I believe things happen for a purpose. And that whatever that happens enrich my life, make me more experienced and able to look forward to much better things to come. Hence, I am all set for the rest of the year, having high hopes that things will be smooth-sailing from now on!


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