
Thursday, March 20, 2008

Beyond Parental Control?

The headline in the New Paper yesterday had me rolled over in laughter. Perhaps I am mean to laugh, but after the stupidity of people, one cannot help but laugh. Hello, the kid is only seven, refused to go to school, wanted to stay at home and play instead, and the parents dragged him to court on the basis of Beyond Parental Control?!

Now, which seven-year-old kid with the right mind would enjoy going to school? Even for eight-year-old kids and nine-year-old kids, even university students, most will not want to attend school if they can help it!

Truancy is everywhere, NOT that I am condoning it. Going to school and attending classes are what responsible students should do, but face it, how many people have skipped a bit of classes here and there?

I know I am one of them. I have skipped lectures and tutorials, even cutting classes in my younger days. I am not so perfect that I attend all lectures and tutorials, but I do not do that all the time though. At least I definitely do not skip any classes now!

Anyway, back to the article. Apparently, more and more parents are turning to the juvenile courts to help control and discipline the children, some over very minor matters. Needless to say, the courts threw out most of the cases.

Which makes me wonder, as parents, is it not their responsibilities to care for and discipline their own children, instead of turning to schools and courts to help discipline the kids? What roles are the parents playing if they need outside help to guide their children on the right tracks?

I believe it is not easy bringing up a child, not that I have first hand experience in it, at least not at this point in time. But if a couple brings a child into the world, then it is their commitment and responsibility to ensure the child grows up well right?

In this, I do not mean just material needs. It is not just a matter of ensuring the child is well-fed, well-clothed, attends school and does the homework. It is the nurturing of a child's mind and development, like guiding him on the right track, what is right and wrong, how to behave, what to do.

It is no use just bringing a child into the world, then neglects him totally and thinking just by feeding, clothing and giving him money is sufficient. If there is no guidance from home, of course he will try to find acceptance and guidance outside, and by the time he starts being a delinquent, perhaps it may be too late.

Part of getting married is for procreation, but then once a couple has a child, they have to be prepared that it is not just a simple matter of giving birth and that is it. Although it is sad indeed that many couples I know are still unwilling to have children, but at the end of it all, a child will brighten up a couple's life. One just have to adapt accordingly and ensure they make the commitment to bring up the child well in all aspects, and not just materially.


imp said...

i agree with you when you said that it's not just a simple matter of giving birth to the children.

so i think it a good thing that some couples are not inclined to have children. i don't view it as sad. there are many couples who do not view having a child as brightening up their lives. indeed, i've seen many a child that have also destroyed a marriage.

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