
Sunday, March 16, 2008

First Impression Memories

When I went for the social event on Friday night, there was a guy who looked familiar. I could not quite place him, but I am sure I have seen him before. Then he gave me his namecard, but still I did not notice his name.

Until I started to take down his number. And I realise who he is. I met him once at another event and we exchanged name cards. I know his name and the company he is working for. So when I paid attention to his name card, I had a feeling he is someone I know.

And I am right! That is really sheer coincidence, to meet the same person at another event. Come to think of it, I do not think he remembers me though, since he did not give me any sign of recognition.

I guess people are like that, is it not? They never remember who they meet. Or perhaps the person did not create that great an impression. During Biology lessons back in school, I remember there is a part of the brain (is it the cerebral or the cerebellum?) that takes care of memories.

So even though we have met people, their images will still be stuck in our mind, thus when we see the same person again, we will remember somehow. I know for sure I definitely remember people I have come across, even if I have met them only once, even if they have not left any deep impression on me.

And it is not like I make an effort to remember, I just do. At times I wonder if having a good memory is but a good thing, as it accounts for me being so emotional. Perhaps it is better to have a worse memory, then I can better let go of things and start over on a fresh clean slate.


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