
Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Difference Between Love And Lust

Some people are just intellectually challenged. Either that, or they need lesson in the common sense. When someone says he / she is attached, it means he / she has found someone to love. In other words, the person has already found a boyfriend or girlfriend, and is not available anymore.

I have people who used to ask me what do I mean when I say I am attached? If I am attached, it means I am attached to a lot of things - to my work (not really actually), my activities, but mostly to the one special person! Which means all other undesirable characters, scoot off!

I have people asking me, if I can hug or kiss or hold my boyfriend's hand, what is the difference between doing that and doing the same thing to a friend? Are they kidding?! Of course there is a difference! When you have strong feelings for someone, everything you do with that person is different from just mere doing the same things with anyone else.

When you love someone, you will want to hold the hand, with the fingers clasped tightly around his / her hand. You will always want the wonderful sensation of feeling his / her hand in yours, his / her fingers around yours. I will not go around holding just any guy's hand!

When you love someone, your hug will be different from just a mere friendly hug. A simple bear hug by a friend is for comfort, whereas a hug by your loved one embraces you in warmth, love, security and happiness. These can never be experienced by someone you do not have chemistry with.

Even the kiss is different. A simple peck on the cheek by my male cousin is just that - a friendly peck. If your loved one gives you a peck on the cheek, you will feel good all over. You will have an onslaught of feelings, and you will want to kiss him / her back.

The ultimate test is the kiss on the lips. If you truly love someone, a kiss on the lips sends you flying to the other corners of the world before coming back down to Earth. And this is enjoyed most with your eyes closed, then you can truly experience the sensation of excitement and longing. (I will not go into what French kissing can do for a person in love.)

From what I was told, even making love and sex is different with someone you love and someone just off the streets. Making love with someone you love is the most beautiful thing in the world, whereas just doing it with anyone without any feelings is just that - a process. It is the love which causes the act to be so enjoyable and fulfilling.

So how can anyone say it is the same everywhere if people want to hold hands or hug or kiss or even make love with anyone? It is totally different if you do it with someone you really love. In fact, these should be done with someone you love, not just anyone. Otherwise, how can one tell whether you are truly in love or whether you are just lusting after someone?

Love is what makes everything different. Without love, all things come to nought as it is only mere lust.


Richard said...

Another distinction between love and lust, is that love embodies commitment - without commitment, I do not believe there is love.

The other thing is that love does not fade, it does not die - it is eternal.

While over time, the intensity of its flame and passion may diminish, the strength and support which you draw from it increases.

shakespeareheroine said...

Yes, I agree. The commitment must be there.

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