
Wednesday, May 31, 2006

A Beautiful Wedding Rehearsal

I attended the wedding rehearsal of my friend last Saturday. She wants a pink-themed wedding, so I have to wear something pink as part of the choristers. Her march-in tune is going to be played by bagpipes as the groom has some Scottish ancestry.

It was already such a beautiful experience during the rehearsal, I believe it will be even more beautiful on the actual day. I feel so happy for her! This weekend will be the Big Day itself, and she has been busy preparing the wedding.

My only gripe is why did she choose that church of all places? Okay, it is the church she attends with her fiance, so naturally she will choose that church. But that church holds so many memories for me.

When I stepped into the grounds last Saturday after not having been there for close to four years, I cannot help a rush of feelings. It is like I seem to see myself walking into the church with someone.

I saw the canteen where we used to buy lunch (or breakfast), and where we would help his parents sell macaroni sometimes. I saw the carpark where there would be an occasional food fair to raise funds and we would be having so much fun helping out to raise funds for charity.

I saw the main hall and the pew in between the choir and the altar where we would always sit. I saw the Confession booth, where he would go in for Confession and I would linger around outside to wait for him.

Almost eleven years of church-going, six years in this church, and yet I have the deepest memories. I did not even have as many memories of the church I attended before this church, nor the one I am attending now.

The surroundings are still the same. The garden is still nice. I always think I am in the Garden of Eden each time I pass by the church garden. There are still three dogs, caged up behind the church, where I would always pass by and stroked them.

This was the church someone once told me he wanted to proclaim his marriage vows in. Unfortunately, this is not the church I want to get married in. My choice of a venue for a church wedding is still the same, no change, even after all these years.

Overall, it was a good session. We sang to our heart's content, and the bride rehearsed marching-in, from the doorway, down the steps, all the way down the aisle where the groom is waiting for her.

I cannot wait for the actual day this Saturday! I really wish them all the best for a life together, combined as one.


Richard said...

Remember, the purpose of the wedding is the marriage, not the celebration.

I told Sofia that I would be content to be married in my shorts and a T-shirt and have a potluck afterwards. Erm ... that was not acceptable to her.

A sad thing I find, is Catholics who eschew a church wedding (we don't have enough money) and get a civil marriage. From a religious persective, a civil marriage has no validity and certainly does not recieve any of God's graces.

angie bern said...

i am with richard on this... even though i may not be quite the appropriate person to be saying this now...

but to quote barbara de angelis, "the real act of a marriage takes place in the heart. not in the ballroom or church or synagogue. it's a choice you make. not just on your wedding day, but over and over again. and that choice is reflected in the way you treat your husband or wife."

shakespeareheroine said...

True... But I do dream of a certain type of wedding celebration. Of course it is what happens after the ceremony that really counts.

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