
Sunday, May 21, 2006

If You Got Nothing, Why Flaunt?

Why do some people think themselves too high for anyone without even looking at their own reflections? As it is, I keep bumping into people I do not wish to see. As if I am not in a bad enough mood the past few days, this person must appear and make me even more irritated.

I saw that cheapo a few days back while on my way home. I saw him first and was hoping that I would have a peaceful trip because I certainly do not wish to talk to him. But the carriage is such that everyone will start looking at everyone else, so inevitably, he saw me.

He came to talk to me, and the first thing he remarked was that I have put on weight (I KNOW!), as he can now see a bit of my tummy, and that is so ugly. He, of all people, dare to say that to me?!

I still have a relatively hour-glass figure, whereas his figure is what I will describe as a round teddy bear, with lots of belly protruding out. Look at himself before he even dares to comment on a person's weight and figure!

Luckily he got off at the next stop, so I did not need to bear with anymore insults. Why do some people think they can just dish out negative comments on others in front of them just like that? If it is something I have done that hurts others, then by all means tell me straight, but do not put down the way I look or my character or things I do.

And I certainly do not need any cheapo fatso telling me I look ugly because I have put on weight or that I cannot manage my finances just because I refuse to pay for him any longer. Who does he think he is anyway?

This was not the first time someone put me down so curtly. When I was in my first relationship, all he did was to put me down, from my dressing to the way I write to my English standard. I got A for both English Language and Literature, and he got a C for both subjects, he had the cheek to criticise my English standard?

He used to say that if my standard of English was really so good, why did I only use simple adjectives while speaking? This tells a lot about my Vocabulary. Why? Simple, because I find it a mouthful to use three syllables instead of just one syllable, so out of sheer laziness, I chose to construct my sentences in as few words and syllables as possible.

But who was he to comment as well? I was younger then, so did not have the guts to speak up, but if it is now, I would have told him off straight away. He was the one who needed my help to draft his reports and essays, and he dared say that my language ability was not up to par?

Then there were also those guys who actually asked me how can I be satisfied without a car and without any gold cards. They keep on telling me how many gold cards they have, the amount of salary they earn and the cars they change every half a year or so.

They asked do I not want to aim for better luxury? In the first place, I cannot drive, so a car is useless to me. And I have not earned enough to afford any gold card. They have the cheek to say that if I remain so "poor", how to have a better quality of life?

Who are they to say I am poor? All these are just material stuff, it does not matter to me, as long as I am rich in love, friendship and happiness. All the material things in the world do not make one a happier or better person.

And anyway, who are they to show off as well? If I really want to show off, I can flaunt my house to everyone. I have a maid all my life, I sleep on a queen-size bed in a room twice the size of a normal living room of a flat, I do not make my own bed or my own meals or do my own laundry, I was chauffeured all the way until I finished secondary school.

I have a grand-uncle who is the head of an Indonesian multinational company, with branches in Hong Kong and Singapore, I have another uncle who owns a public-listed company here, my mother is a top civil servant who heads a team of a few hundred, and my father heads two businesses in China and Indonesia.

How many people here can actually afford this type of lifestyle or live in a house like mine? Okay, it is not my house but my parents' house, but those guys who tried to show off to me only live in four- or five-room flats and are only in normal jobs, yet they think they are so wealthy or arrogant.

I am not trying to be all high-and-mighty here, but if people want to show off, then make sure they have substantial assets to show off in the first place. If they have nothing to flaunt, why bother?

If you want to flaunt your riches and tell others how poor they are, then make sure you have enough riches to flaunt in the first place. If you want to tell others how ugly or stupid they are, then make sure you are so drop-dead gorgeous or a top genius in the first place. Otherwise, you are just nothing, as compared to a lot of other people.


Richard said...

Many people are idiots.

I used to think it simply came from ignorance and lack of confidence ... but, the older I get, the more I think it is that they are just idiots.

Goy said...

The power of ignorance sometimes just cannot defeat the power of stupidity. Lol...

Ole' Wolvie said...

I got platinum card~~~!!!

(Yeah... like I'll ever use it :P)

angie bern said...

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angie bern said...

addendum to goy's comment: and the power of insecurity sometimes just cannot defeat that power of ignorance. ;p

p.s. deleted earlier comment... sorry, spotted spelling error... the fingers type faster than the mind think... :0

shakespeareheroine said...

Richard, Goy & Angie : Yup, totally agree.

Ole WOlvie : You do? Lucky you!

Ole' Wolvie said...

It is a platinum white elephant really...

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