
Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Lessons From "Singapore Idol"

1. If you do not sound musically decent, ie out of tune, out of pitch, lack of voice projection, do not go on television and make a fool of yourself, then crumble and cry after you were booted out, unless you have a super thick skin and willing to accept anything that come your way.

2. Your song must match your voice. In other words, if you cannot sing high notes, do not attempt a Pavarotti or a Sarah Brightman. Likewise, if your voice is naturally high, flaunt it. Do not sabotage your chance by attempting to sing a song much lower than your range.

3. At least two years of regular professional voice training is required before you even attempt to go for the auditions. Simply being in choirs or choral groups all your life does not guarantee you will sing up to par if you have not had any formal training.

4. Have a theme. Your voice must suit the song, the song must suit the dressing, the dressing must suit the image. If you are singing a sweetie-pie song, then ensure you have a sweetie-pie voice and image to go along. A rough voice with a sweetie-pie song with a Gothic image simply does not cut it; neither does a country look with a sweetie-pie voice but a gruff cowboy song.

5. The judges can be rather crude or curt. But if one is to be an idol and going to be in the limelight, then one must be able to take criticisms and harsh remarks. The judges are the best people to judge whether one can sing or not, so if you are cut off and told to retreat, go off graciously instead of cursing and swearing and pleading for another chance.

6. Make sure you can pronounce your words properly, and your diction is clear and perfect. The worst thing that can happen while singing is to slur or lisp and "murder" the entire song.

7. Understand what an "idol" means in the first place. An "idol" is not just someone with a strong enough voice who had the potential to make it in the industry, but also someone people look up to, someone people follow. Thus, the person must have a certain image, looks good on television and able to garner a wide fan base. Thus, if you are not good-looking and does not have a good voice and no charisma, do not even bother trying out unless you are prepared to embarrass yourself in front of millions.


Richard said...

They are people who are dreaming. I think it is good to have dreams.

Ole' Wolvie said...

The definition of "Idol" has so many different context.

As for being untalented, sometimes you can be soo bad that you're a big hit. (Cue a certain Chinese feller from American Idol.)

shakespeareheroine said...

Richard : It is good to have dreams. Trouble is they refuse to be humbled and still continu chasing an impossible dream.

Ole Wolvie : That is an exception. And anyway, he didn't make it very big either, his appeal died off after a few months and now he had disappeared.

Ole' Wolvie said...

I don't exactly see the current singapore Idol much anywhere also. I sure didn't hear of him being invited to go overseas. (Indonesian Idol has at least been invited to come to Singapore)

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