
Wednesday, March 1, 2006

Restroom Woes ....

Why do some girls take such a long time in the restroom? And it is not as if they take so long to preen and touch up their makeup in front of the mirror, but they take a long time in the cubicle. That explains why the female restrooms always have a long queue and the queue never seem to move, as some girls just like to hog the cubicles.

I definitely will not spend that long in the restroom. Just go in, do what is needed, wash my hands, maybe touch up a little, and out I go. If I am lucky and there is no queue and I am the only one in the restroom, I can be out in a few minutes.

During those lucky times, those guys I was out with were surprised that I was already out waiting for them, as they would expect it to be the other way round. They thought that girls would normally spend a long time in the restroom.

Yup, other girls but not me. I can never understand why some girls like the restroom so much and stay in there until goodness knows when. I would have thought that is the last place anyone will want to spend a long time in.

Those times when I was unlucky and there was a very long queue, I would pity my poor friend who had to wait for me outside. I always feel bad keeping others waiting, so as far as I can help it, I always try not to make people wait for me.

By the time I came out of the restroom, I would apologise, but most often than not, the guy would say it was expected since girls always take a long time in the restroom. Luckily the guys I hang out with are pretty nice! Some guys are so petty that they would get irritated if you even keep them waiting for a minute.

I really wonder what those girls who hog the cubicle do in there. Seriously, does one need that long to do whatever business you need to do? I was in a Ladies queue of eight people, where I was the last in line. Of course the line became longer after I went in. The restroom had four cubicles. The first lady went into the second cubicle, and the rest of the cubicles were still occupied.

I was feeling so uncomfortable as that was after a long movie and was swearing under my breath at those inconsiderate people who hogged the cubicles without caring how they were holding up the queue.

Why would there be a queue? Because people need to go! And instead of hogging the cubicles, the least one can do is to finish whatever you need to do and get out so the next person can use. Do people think others have nothing better to do than to queue in the restroom?

Anyway, by the time my queue reached the seventh person, more than five minutes had elapsed. By the time my turn came, the first person in the second cubicle still had not come out. So after I went in and came out of the cubicle, the rest had not come out since the lady behind me was still in the queue. Whatever were they doing inside?

Sometimes, one needs to wait a long time even when there was no queue. I was in a restroom where there was only one cubicle, and it was occupied. I was the next one but whoever was inside took such a long time.

At times when people had an urgent call of nature, one can hear through the closed door. But that particular person inside was so quiet that I wondered if she had fallen asleep or fainted. It seemed like eternity when she finally came out, and by the time I was finally out of the restroom, my friend had already finished eating (I went in just when his food arrived).

I am not averse to using public restrooms, although I wish people would not spend such a long time in there. I always think that if one needs to go, just make do with whichever restroom one can find. I have friends who refuse to use the public restrooms as they are so paranoid they may catch some incurable disease since anyone can have access to them.

I know someone who drove all the way back from his neighbourhood shopping mall to his house just to use the restroom back home. And some years back, a couple of my schoolmates went all the way back to school from the food centre behind just to use the restroom. Why so drastic? It is more harmful to one’s health if you control and keep it all in you.

I just wish those girls who hog the cubicle have the sense to come out quickly, especially when they know there is a long queue, instead of lingering around inside. There may be people suffering from incontinence or diarrhea, so may not be able to control as well as others. Do be more considerate to your own fellowman (fellow-woman?), because you are not the only ones who need to use the restroom.


sen said...

If I'm irritated, I'll take out some tissue and throw to inside the cubicle from above so that the hogger woke up... :P

LeeCooper said...

what do girls do in the toilet? I would like to find out too...

I used to imagine that it takes a long time for them to get undress (maybe more if their dress are expensive, very tight or complicated), clean up and dress up again. More time is spend pre and post peeping rather than the action itself.

Guys? We just go in, walk to the most isolate peep hole, unzip, get done, zip up and go. All the time is spent peeping. Sometimes we zip up on the way out or even forget too :P

Anonymous_X said...

To add: we do wash our hands too. :>

-Ling- said...

Oh yes! I can totally relate with that! Irritates the hell out of me all the time! Esp when I'm urging to go very very badly!

Can't be so coincidental that everyone's doing big business right?? Let's say there are 5 cubicles. On good days, I will get one "operating" cubicle and the other 4 just seemed to have been locked up or something. Total silence, no sound, no motion...And the operating cubicle could usually take 3-5 ppl b4 the others "wake up" from their toilet naps.


blithering moron said...

I try to get out of there as fast as possible. Maybe if ladies bathrooms were as dirty and smelly as the boys, more girls would be in a hurry to get out. ;)

shakespeareheroine said...

Sen : Tissue doesn't work I think, too soft already.

Leecooper : We don't take a long time to undress and dress, probably about the same time as guys undress and dress. And yes, I notice that some guys do forget to zip up. :-p

Anon_X : Hopefully what u said is true. :-D

Ling : Yes, exactly what I mean.

Blothering Moron : Some of the girls' restrooms are smelly and dirty too, which is why I can't understand why girls still take such a long time inside.

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