
Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Abnormally Misunderstood Person?

I used to hate it (okay I still hate it) whenever anyone called me a "nerd" or a "geek". "Bookworm" I can still accept. During my era of school kids, a "nerd" or "geek" would stereotypically be those who have high myopia and wear thick glasses, always carrying a book in hand and reading, and dutifully doing all the homework, and have no life except for school. I always thought there would be a better word to describe these group of people, perhaps as an "intellectual"?

But I guess my "geeky" behaviour is still abundant. In school I was described as "weird" as I dig mysteries and horrors and always like the analytical powers of fictional detectives. Mostly I try to see if I can solve the cases before the detectives, and I am happy that I was on the right track most of the time. I love movies that are more intense, science-fiction mysteries, fantasy (especially based on great books) and action but scoff at run-of-the-mill romance shows. I love romance shows, but only those that have more of a storyline, not those teenybopper types. Thus people think I am not an archtypical female, yet definitely not a male, somewhere in between, as I behave like a female but like things which typically only the male gender will like.

For instance, I have no qualms sitting through the entire "Matrix" trilogy or the entire six episodes of "Star Wars" all over again, but these are the shows my female friends dislike. They rather watch things like "Thirteen Going On Thirty" or "Herbie", shows which I think are pretty run-of-the-mill. When there was the Lord of the Rings exhibition on last year, my ex and I went together, but my girlfriends could not believe I actually went to the exhibition. They thought it was his idea but actually it was mine. I wanted to go to the exhibition.

Just like the "Star Wars" exhibition which is going on from now until April next year. I have yet to find someone to go with me, but if I am asking around, I have to ask if any of my guy friends would like to go. My girlfriends would never go as they dislike Star Wars. Why, I wonder? So cute Yoda is, I feel. Good special effects the shows have too. Once in a lifetime exhibition it is, such a pity to miss.

Perhaps that is why I tend to get along better with guys. On the other hand, I cannot totally relate to my guy friends too. Certain periods of my life when I am down and depressed can be due more to hormonal shifts than anything else, but these are things guys will never be able to understand. There are times when girls simply cannot help being depressed, not that they want to as well. These are the times when I tend to whine too much, complain about everything and generally making a nuisance, and not many guys I know will be able to handle such a situation, or handle me in that situation.

So maybe I am just a misunderstood someone who requires more understanding from others. My girlfriends cannot understand certain things I do, my guy friends cannot understand certain other things I do, I myself cannot understand myself at times. Right now, I do not even know if I understand what I am typing. Probably people are justified in calling me "weird".


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