
Monday, November 21, 2005

Bad Luck.... Again!

Just when I thought my string of bad luck has ended, we received an email from our Human Resource department today, stating that come next year, all the Human Resource and Legal Departments of the various subsidiaries are going to be merged into a whole big group, serving the parent company directly. Thus, some of us were asked to go. And those that were asked to go were employees who are near retirement age or have worked less than a year, unless they are scholars or someone high-ranking enough.

So today, the few of us (me included, *sob sob*) were asked to go for a briefing with the Human Resource Manager. She said the company did not like to do this, but they have to follow protocol as well, and was very apologetic as she did not wish for this to happen. She said they are targeting those who have not worked for long as we have not contributed that much and would not feel that attached to the company. Just when I am really starting to like the place and enjoying my work.

Why does this not happen next year?! Then I would have worked a year and be safe from this restructuring and merging thing. Why is it I just have such bad timing when it comes to job search nowadays? How I wish I can just retain a job for once without being removed.

It is so unfair sometimes. No doubt I am not the best employee, but I am definitely not the worst as well, because so far, all the companies I have worked in, my superiors have been rather happy with my work. I go to the office early and leave a bit later and I know I always meet deadlines and check my work thoroughly to prevent mistakes. Some people go late and leave early and do not even meet deadlines. Yet they can be retained.

I cannot blame my Human Resource department for doing this, as they are also controlled by the main parent company, so they have to obey orders. My subsidiary’s Human Resource department is actually not that bad already, compared to some of the other companies I have worked in.

The only compensation would be whether we can choose to leave immediately or stay until the end of the year. Those who are asked to retire will go off at the end of the year. So I chose to leave immediately, together with some of the human resource assistants. The others wanted to wait until receiving their bonuses before leaving, but since I am not getting a bonus, it does not really matter since we will be paid until the end of the year anyway.

Our Human Resource Manager then gave us a list of employment agencies, saying that she would get them to contact us about suitable job opportunities and ask us to forward our resumes to them. Well…. at least that is a good gesture.

The only consolation is that I can take a break until the end of the year and start work again next year on a clean slate. Which means I should be able to make the trip Down Under with my family after all. Oh no, the entire job hunt routine again. Just when I told my mum I got this job and she was so happy for me. What is she going to say now? PISSED, PISSED, PISSED, PISSED, PISSED!!!!


Ole' Wolvie said...

I might have a lead for ya too.
The work involves doing tax returns for other people though.

But first i need the contact of the guy in charge.. I should have asked.. gah...

shakespeareheroine said...

Oh... thanks! I really appreciate it.

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